Transport kontenerowy | Samochody kempingowe 4x4 Samochody kempingowe
Bezpieczna wysyłka pojazdu na całym świecie Szybka wycenaWysyłka kontenerów
Wysyłka samochodu w kontenerze zapewnia niezawodną, bezpieczną i opłacalną usługę, która spełnia Twoje wymagania. Transport kontenerowy oferuje szerszy wybór miejsc docelowych i umożliwia bezpieczny przeładunek. Jeśli posiadasz rzeczy osobiste, które mają zostać wysłane wraz z pojazdem, transport kontenerowy może zaoferować bezpieczniejszą usługę.
Chociaż generalnie RORO jest tańsze niż transport kontenerowy, transport kontenerowy może zwiększyć elastyczność i może dorównać lub przewyższyć ceny RORO, gdy wysyłany jest więcej niż jeden pojazd.
W przypadku transportu kontenerowego istnieje wymóg „wypchania” kontenera oraz koszty transportu do i z portu.
Transport kontenerowy nie jest dostępny dla wszystkich pojazdów, maksymalna wysokość drzwi dla 20″ i 40″ HQ wynosi odpowiednio 2,27 m i 2,58 m, co dość często oznacza, że samochody kempingowe, ciężarówki ekspedycyjne i pojazdy z dużym obciążeniem dachu mogą nie mieścić się w standardowych kontenerach.
Pojazdy ponadgabarytowe mają opcje płaskiego regału (LOLO), jednak generalnie jest to droższe niż RORO i nie zapewnia takiego samego bezpieczeństwa jak zamknięcie w kontenerze.
Standardowe kontenery są dostępne w dwóch rozmiarach: 20′ i 40′. Podczas gdy kontener 20′ nadaje się do transportu jednego samochodu lub 4×4, kontener 40′ zapewnia wystarczającą przestrzeń dla dwóch średniej wielkości pojazdów, więc może być bardziej opłacalny, jeśli masz więcej niż jeden pojazd do wysłania.
Załadunek samochodu do transportu kontenerowego
Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby bezpiecznie załadować samochód, tak aby pozostał dobrze zabezpieczony na czas transportu do miejsca docelowego i nie przemieszczał się w kontenerze ani na morzu, ani podczas załadunku i rozładunku ze statku.
W punkcie załadunku samochód jest wprowadzany do kontenera i ostrożnie ustawiany, zanim wszystkie cztery koła zostaną bezpiecznie zablokowane. Pasy zapadkowe są następnie używane do mocowania kół do bezpiecznych oczek w kontenerze, aby zapewnić, że samochód nie będzie się poruszał podczas transportu.
Czasami przednie i tylne ucha holownicze pojazdu mogą być wykorzystane do bezpiecznego zamocowania samochodu w kontenerze.
Wszystkie kontenery do transportu samochodów muszą spełniać rygorystyczne przepisy bezpieczeństwa potwierdzające zarówno ich integralność strukturalną, jak i to, że są one uważane za wiatroszczelne i wodoszczelne. Te rygorystyczne wymagania zapewniają, że po załadowaniu do kontenera samochód pozostanie bezpieczny i chroniony przed żywiołami.
Aby uzyskać wycenę transportu samochodu w kontenerze, skorzystaj z tego formularza.
Kontener Udział
Współdzielenie kontenera może znacznie obniżyć koszty wysyłki.
Współdzielenie kontenera wiąże się ze współdzieleniem opłat za odprawę celną, transport i napełnianie. Dość często wzrost kosztów wysyłki kontenera 40-stopowego w porównaniu do 20-stopowego nie jest znaczący.
Niezależnie od tego, czy wysyłasz ładunek przez cieśninę Darien z Kolumbii do Panamy, z Europy do Afryki czy w inne miejsce, pomożemy Ci znaleźć partnera transportowego.
Dostępnych jest kilka różnych opcji udostępniania
- Kontenery 40-stopowe
- 2 duże pojazdy
- 1 duży pojazd i kilka motocykli
- Kontener 20 stóp (kilka motocykli)
- Płaski bagażnik (2 duże pojazdy)
Aktualne akcje dotyczące otwartych pojemników
Poniżej znajdują się aktualne udziały w otwartych kontenerach, jeśli chcesz, abyśmy dobrali Cię w pary, wyślij nam wiadomość e-mail z następującymi informacjami:
- Identyfikator oferty
- Data wysyłki
- Poniżej znajduje się cytat, który chciałbyś udostępnić
- Następnie sprawdzimy, czy drugi nadawca jest gotowy do kontynuowania wysyłki i zarezerwujemy rezerwację!
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
20.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67189 | 4x4 | 9.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
20.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67966 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
20.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68020 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68346 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
21.03.2025 | Germany | Egypt | Q68975 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.1 | |
21.03.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q69455 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68513 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68511 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q59430 | Expedition Truck | 4.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
25.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q66437 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.9 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68858 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.03.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q69194 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
26.03.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69161 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
27.03.2025 | United States | Other | Q62601 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q67278 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q69458 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.03.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65383 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
28.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68016 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.03.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q68811 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
28.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69142 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.03.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59708 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67408 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68077 | Boat | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68452 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.03.2025 | Chile | United Kingdom | Q69206 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.2 | Yes - Asked to share | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q49580 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Canada | Q54751 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
31.03.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59440 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Kenya | Q60433 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEastAfrica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Namibia | Netherlands | Q60532 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q60685 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q67240 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Ecuador | Q67406 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68122 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68488 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q68490 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68787 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Uruguay | France | Q68993 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q69235 | Other | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q69361 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69422 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q53641 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q57005 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q57028 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q57881 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.3 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q59879 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | Q67039 | 2.6 |
01.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61394 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q61702 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q62088 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q64886 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65136 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q67618 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q68353 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68427 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Other | Q68507 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaOther | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.04.2025 | New Zealand | Australia | Q68741 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69228 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
02.04.2025 | Chile | Australia | Q67756 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Booking Requested | WestSouthAmericaOther | 2.3 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67805 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q68090 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68089 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68459 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 0.7 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61905 | Motorcycle | 10.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
03.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q65119 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
03.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67683 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67685 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67715 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q62655 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.04.2025 | Panama | France | Q69101 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q69220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68764 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q65972 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.8 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q66358 | 2.6 |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q66358 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q65972 | 2.4 |
06.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69444 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63318 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
08.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q64577 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q61884 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes - Ready to book | Booking confirmed | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q67583 | 2.5 |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q67583 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Ready to book | Booking confirmed | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q61884 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q61240 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
10.04.2025 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68589 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
11.04.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Kenya | Q66450 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastEastAfrica | 2.6 | |
11.04.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68876 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
12.04.2025 | Canada | Colombia | Q67100 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
14.04.2025 | Switzerland | Argentina | Q54150 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
14.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65263 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
14.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69234 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
15.04.2025 | Panama | Chile | Q63929 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q67826 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | Europe du NordAmérique du Nord | 2.3 | |
15.04.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q68746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
16.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
16.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q57129 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q57152 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q57245 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q61140 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q61440 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61516 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.04.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67764 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67299 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q68960 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
18.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q69159 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
18.04.2025 | Namibia | United Kingdom | Q69460 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
19.04.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65968 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
20.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q63488 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
20.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66897 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
21.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68903 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Booking Requested | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
23.04.2025 | Mexico | Colombia | Q66143 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68718 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68734 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
24.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
24.04.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67209 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
27.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68175 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.04.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q69350 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 0.8 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
30.04.2025 | France | United States | Q51710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62475 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q69392 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.05.2025 | France | United States | Q48249 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q57042 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q57061 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60172 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60528 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60530 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Switzerland | United States | Q61045 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q61335 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q62052 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Colombia | Q62177 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Asked to share | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q62969 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63772 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q64171 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q64335 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q66009 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q66926 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q67463 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q67658 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66007 | 2.5 |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67804 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q68044 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68315 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.05.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Spain | Q69304 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.05.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67923 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
03.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60069 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
04.05.2025 | India | Other | Q58483 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63752 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q68243 | 2.5 |
05.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q68263 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68243 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Container share | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q63752 | 2.2 |
06.05.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q68461 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.05.2025 | Uruguay | Canada | Q67732 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Kenya | Q56543 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68790 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
08.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q69242 | Van (commercial) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q65408 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68572 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
10.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q57367 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68398 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68957 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
12.05.2025 | Canada | France | Q62439 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | Amérique du NordEurope du Nord | 1.4 | |
14.05.2025 | France | Colombia | Q57564 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66096 | Trailer | 7.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q51118 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | United States | Spain | Q62904 | Trailer | 2.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Namibia | Germany | Q63730 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q64559 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q64981 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Belgium | Q65411 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | United Kingdom | Q65759 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Arranged/Booked | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68085 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.05.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68919 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
16.05.2025 | South Africa | Italy | Q66507 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
18.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68996 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64864 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q67484 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q69417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
20.05.2025 | Panama | Ecuador | Q65382 | Expedition Truck | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69379 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
26.05.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60260 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q60719 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
26.05.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q62565 | 4x4 | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64253 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | Germany | Kenya | Q67229 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q67231 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.8 | |
28.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69448 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
29.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68651 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q69222 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.05.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q69430 | Truck (commercial) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q59001 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59798 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q65820 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q58451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q59582 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q61944 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62054 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62749 | Van (commercial) | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | United States | Other | Q64787 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 2.6 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q66868 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Other | Q67645 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q67733 | Other | 7.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68145 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68492 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69164 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q58465 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
02.06.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q58597 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.9 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Greece | Q59606 | Expedition Truck | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Cyprus | Q68801 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Rate Requested (carrier) | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.7 | |
04.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q52065 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.5 | |
04.06.2025 | France | Australia | Q59474 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q53926 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.2 | |
05.06.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q59427 | Motorcycle | 9.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.1 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q59595 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q66452 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Rate Requested (carrier) | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Poland | Canada | Q57527 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q65670 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q66269 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
07.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66678 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q68762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69062 | Van (commercial) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
08.06.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63544 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.06.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q65901 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
09.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67187 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.06.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q59596 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q67937 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Switzerland | Q68715 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q62822 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
11.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67635 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
12.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q67654 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q67827 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.06.2025 | Panama | United Kingdom | Q65504 HAZ | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.06.2025 | India | Other | Q65957 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.4 | |
15.06.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q67611 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.5 | |
16.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q63560 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
16.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66805 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64978 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66648 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q69445 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
20.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68138 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.06.2025 | Uruguay | Panama | Q68386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
21.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
22.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68309 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
23.06.2025 | Canada | France | Q64174 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
23.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68977 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59878 | 4x4 | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
24.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q59892 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
25.06.2025 | United States | Namibia | Q55024 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
25.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q65240 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
25.06.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q65694 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
26.06.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60738 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q68264 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Chile | United States | Q69325 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.06.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67346 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
29.06.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q61947 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
30.06.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68189 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.06.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68502 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q57798 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q58115 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60533 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q62876 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q65553 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66618 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67887 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68060 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | Morocco | Q68514 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeWestAfrica | 1.0 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69405 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 0.2 | |
01.07.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q69454 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
03.07.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q65742 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
03.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
04.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62509 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Italy | Q67745 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.9 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q60715 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q69370 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q67203 | 4x4 | 3.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
07.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68162 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
07.07.2025 | Chile | France | Q69102 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
09.07.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60357 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q59993 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q60436 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62328 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62423 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68352 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
10.07.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q68656 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
17.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64119 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.2 | |
18.07.2025 | Chile | Panama | Q68387 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | WestSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.07.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q68886 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.07.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q69141 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
19.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q68846 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
20.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q61466 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
21.07.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q61247 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.07.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q69280 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
23.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q60556 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
25.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q53070 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
25.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q55923 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
26.07.2025 | France | Uruguay | Q60097 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
28.07.2025 | Germany | United Kingdom | Q61723 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
29.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66354 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
29.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68157 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 2.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.07.2025 | France | Namibia | Q56768 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
30.07.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q59455 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.07.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68978 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Netherlands | Q63782 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q63784 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q55919 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Australia | Q57301 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Canada | France | Q60410 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.08.2025 | France | Canada | Q60605 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | New Zealand | Chile | Q60878 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaWestSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | New Zealand | Q63759 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65954 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66062 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | New Zealand | Q66229 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | Rate Provided to client | OceaniaOceania | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66245 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q66311 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66296 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66471 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q67059 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67935 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68110 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q68341 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68339 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68441 | Van (commercial) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68649 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | Other | Q69329 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaOther | 2.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q69404 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
02.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68791 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
02.08.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Germany | Q69322 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
04.08.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q65257 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67313 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q68298 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.2 | |
05.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q53550 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q62258 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65203 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q53137 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
06.08.2025 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q61509 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.4 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67182 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
07.08.2025 | Malaysia | Other | Q52632 | Expedition Truck | 5.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | AsiaOther | 1.9 | |
07.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66944 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q64760 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68299 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
09.08.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q69219 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.08.2025 | Uruguay | Spain | Q66133 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q63219 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q64434 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | Argentina | Panama | Q66323 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q67403 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | United Kingdom | Q69193 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q63790 | Other | 8.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
15.08.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65608 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q65645 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q66343 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66522 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q66622 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q67220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
17.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68815 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67009 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | France | Q61373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68018 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68292 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q68887 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
22.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68279 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q63701 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
27.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66778 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q64521 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65654 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
29.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66844 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q57184 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
30.08.2025 | Kenya | Italy | Q69336 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaEuropeMed | 2.2 | |
31.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q54281 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q56912 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q49823 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q52127 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 0.9 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Australia | Q53242 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaOceania | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q53243 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q57373 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Other | Germany | Q58109 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q59552 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Kenya | Spain | Q60396 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q60397 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q61766 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q62218 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Australia | United States | Q62280 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q63171 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64349 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64482 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64595 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q65764 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q66924 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q66940 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66999 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q67320 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Panama | Q67541 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67843 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Argentina | France | Q68005 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Mexico | Argentina | Q68048 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q68445 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q68641 | Other | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q68642 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68717 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68713 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
03.09.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q68816 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
04.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q59308 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
07.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q63434 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67932 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.09.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67922 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q65788 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.4 | |
10.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66511 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
12.09.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66628 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.09.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q57002 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q62768 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67980 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q66423 | 2.5 |
16.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61537 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60466 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
17.09.2025 | Panama | Argentina | Q67130 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.7 | |
19.09.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q58901 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64463 | Van (commercial) | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60467 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
24.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Namibia | Q63266 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
25.09.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q68602 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | Netherlands | Panama | Q44812 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61511 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
27.09.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q61997 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
27.09.2025 | Canada | Ecuador | Q64078 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
28.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67739 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
30.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q63024 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.10.2025 | France | New Zealand | Q48045 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.5 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56892 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56896 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q61492 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q61699 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61956 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q64749 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q65051 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q65286 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q68803 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.10.2025 | United States | Peru | Q69074 | Boat | 2.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
02.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q59046 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 1.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
02.10.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67548 | Trailer | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
03.10.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q67385 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
05.10.2025 | Netherlands | India | Q67905 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeIndia | 2.1 | |
06.10.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65322 | Van (commercial) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
06.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q66246 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68204 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
07.10.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63297 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
07.10.2025 | Netherlands | Argentina | Q67389 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.10.2025 | United States | Spain | Q67880 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
10.10.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q68826 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.5 | |
12.10.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q43475 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
12.10.2025 | Colombia | Portugal | Q43476 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
13.10.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65952 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.6 | |
13.10.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68776 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.10.2025 | Uruguay | Poland | Q61959 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
14.10.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q65852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.6 | |
15.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q55251 | Van (commercial) | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.10.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q66423 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q67980 | 2.4 |
16.10.2025 | Spain | United States | Q59597 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q64124 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65614 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
16.10.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q67746 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q60059 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66196 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67387 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
22.10.2025 | Germany | Other | Q65131 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.5 | |
27.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65886 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
28.10.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63977 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q61954 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q64417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.10.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67537 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | France | Colombia | Q60351 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q61072 | 4x4 | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64727 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q64731 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65376 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66318 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.11.2025 | Canada | France | Q66362 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | New Zealand | Q67793 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 2.2 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | Australia | Q68047 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Australia | United States | Q68226 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
03.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q67676 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
06.11.2025 | France | Australia | Q53606 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
10.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69076 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
12.11.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q64884 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.11.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q67991 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
13.11.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q66152 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69065 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.11.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67280 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68314 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
22.11.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q64151 | Other | 9.6 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
29.11.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q53211 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
30.11.2025 | Switzerland | Panama | Q56745 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Poland | Q64378 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66439 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.12.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q54779 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.12.2025 | Australia | Netherlands | Q61386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes - Interested | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.12.2025 | India | Germany | Q65138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67151 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q68756 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69025 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
08.12.2025 | India | Poland | Q65350 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.12.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q66529 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.12.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q65984 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64774 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
13.12.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q64939 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.12.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
15.12.2025 | Belgium | New Zealand | Q67254 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Mexico | Uruguay | Q67555 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Panama | Uruguay | Q67557 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65747 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
23.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q44862 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
27.12.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q65915 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
27.12.2025 | Chile | Canada | Q65917 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q52073 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.01.2026 | Germany | United States | Q61668 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
02.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q65988 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.01.2026 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68622 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.01.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q63111 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q69011 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.01.2026 | Germany | Colombia | Q68727 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.01.2026 | United States | Uruguay | Q53760 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q52913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.02.2026 | India | Other | Q68638 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.02.2026 | Australia | United States | Q53607 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
05.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q67718 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.02.2026 | Panama | France | Q63048 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.02.2026 | United States | United Kingdom | Q54484 | Trailer | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.02.2026 | New Zealand | Australia | Q66694 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q65278 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65639 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.03.2026 | Australia | United Kingdom | Q68344 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
02.03.2026 | Belgium | United States | Q66762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
20.03.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61967 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68188 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q68228 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.04.2026 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
05.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q66992 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
06.04.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61301 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
09.04.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q66105 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
20.04.2026 | Panama | Colombia | Q67274 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | To Book - Interested | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
20.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68655 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
26.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q65567 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 0.7 | |
30.04.2026 | United States | Germany | Q65377 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
30.04.2026 | Uruguay | Portugal | Q68792 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.05.2026 | Netherlands | United States | Q64730 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.05.2026 | South Africa | Belgium | Q67820 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
05.05.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q69311 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
11.05.2026 | Germany | South Africa | Q65545 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
12.05.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q48202 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
02.06.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q63190 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
11.06.2026 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66881 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.07.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q58826 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.4 | |
04.07.2026 | United States | Colombia | Q50341 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.07.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q66724 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
09.07.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q69128 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.07.2026 | Germany | United States | Q64500 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Australia | Q64722 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67539 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
04.09.2026 | Belgium | South Africa | Q58593 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
23.09.2026 | Argentina | Germany | Q62797 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.10.2026 | France | Colombia | Q45957 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
03.10.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q42729 | 4x4 | 4.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.11.2026 | Kenya | Oman | Q66878 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
11.11.2026 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64913 | Other | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
12.11.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q66932 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
13.11.2026 | Kenya | Belgium | Q66880 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.11.2026 | Colombia | Belgium | Q52777 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
17.11.2026 | South Africa | United States | Q66530 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q64776 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.5 | |
01.07.2027 | Germany | United States | Q60682 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.08.2027 | Belgium | Other | Q61470 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
30.09.2027 | India | Other | Q67202 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 2.6 | |
01.01.2028 | United Kingdom | United States | Q56024 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
16.03.2028 | Germany | Other | Q66861 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
Proces wysyłki kontenerów
- Załadunek – Kontener jest zwykle ładowany w magazynie poza portem. Wszystko, co zostanie załadowane do kontenera, zostanie przymocowane i zabezpieczone, niezależnie od tego, czy jest to samochód, 4×4, kamper czy motocykl.
- Odprawa celna – W zależności od portu i metody eksportu (TIP, karnet itp.) przesyłka zostanie odprawiona w urzędzie celnym w trakcie procesu. Może to wymagać fizycznej inspekcji.
- Manewrowanie – Kontener jest manewrowany z magazynu / miejsca załadunku do portu.
- Załadunek na przewoźnika – Twój kontener zostanie załadowany na statek i będzie gotowy do podróży do miejsca docelowego.
- Wyokrętowanie z przewoźnika – Twój kontener zostanie wyładowany ze statku i zmagazynowany w porcie.
- Uiszczenie lokalnych opłat portowych (THC) i opłat – konieczne będzie uiszczenie lokalnych opłat portowych – czasami można to zrobić bezpośrednio lub za pośrednictwem agenta.
- Odprawa celna – W zależności od portu i metody eksportu (TIP, karnet itp.) przesyłka zostanie odprawiona w urzędzie celnym w trakcie procesu. Może to wymagać fizycznej inspekcji.
- Manewrowanie – Kontener jest przetaczany z portu do magazynu lub miejsca załadunku.
- Rozładunek – kontener zostanie całkowicie rozładowany i zwrócony pusty do portu. Pojazd będzie gotowy do jazdy. *Pod warunkiem spełnienia lokalnych wymogów dotyczących legalnego prowadzenia pojazdu.
- W przypadku niektórych krajów korzystne jest posiadanie karnetu u naszego agenta przed przybyciem kontenera, aby mógł on natychmiast rozpocząć prace nad odprawą pojazdu.
Wysyłka kontenerów
Jak oblicza się cenę wysyłki kontenera?
Cena wysyłki jest uzależniona od wielu czynników. Po pierwsze fracht oceaniczny, który jest zależny od trasy i wielkości kontenera, czyli 20" lub 40" HQ.
Oprócz frachtu morskiego będziesz musiał uiścić dodatkowe opłaty związane z frachtem morskim Bunker Adjustment (BAF) oraz Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSF).
Inne opłaty, które mogą być pobierane za eksport i import przesyłki to: opłaty za ochronę, opłaty za bramę, opłaty za dokumenty, opłaty za obsługę terminala (THC), opłaty za napełnianie i odprawę.
W zależności od miejsca załadunku i rozładunku kontenera, mogą Państwo zostać obciążeni również opłatami przewozowymi.
Wszystkie opłaty różnią się w zależności od tego, który przewoźnik i port jest używany.
Czy mogę być obecny podczas załadunku kontenera?
To naprawdę zależy od portu, miejsca wykonywania czynności załadunkowych oraz lokalnych przepisów i regulacji. Jeśli załadunek odbywa się na prywatnym placu lub w magazynie, to będziesz mógł być obecny podczas załadunku.
Jeśli załadunek odbywa się w porcie lub w bezpiecznym miejscu, nie zawsze może to być możliwe.
Podczas wypełniania zapytania ofertowego prosimy o poinformowanie nas, że chcieliby Państwo być obecni podczas załadunku.
Bezpieczeństwo: Czy mój Pojazd jest bezpieczny?
Spedycja kontenerowa jest najbezpieczniejszym sposobem transportu morskiego, ponieważ towary zostaną zapieczętowane w kontenerze przed wysyłką.
Generalnie większość ludzi nie ma problemów z kradzieżą lub uszkodzeniem przedmiotów podczas transportu kontenerowego.
Nadal jednak istnieje ryzyko, że statek wejdzie na mieliznę, kontener spadnie ze statku, kontener zostanie upuszczony lub uderzony podczas załadunku itp.
Istnieje ryzyko kradzieży, zazwyczaj ma to miejsce w miejscach załadunku i rozładunku, możesz zmniejszyć to ryzyko zapewniając swoją obecność podczas załadunku i rozładunku.
Można również wykupić ubezpieczenie morskie, które zabezpieczy towar podczas transportu.
Jakie są rozmiary i wymiary pojemników?
Najczęściej stosowane rozmiary pojemników to 20", 40" i 40" HQ.
Poniżej przedstawiamy wymiary najczęściej używanych pojemników:
Kontener |
Wymiary wewnętrzne |
Otwarcie drzwi |
Rozmiar / Typ | Szerokość | Wysokość | Szerokość | Wysokość |
(m) | (m) | (m) | (m) | |
20′ fracht suchy | 2.35 | 2.385 | 2.34 | 2.274 |
40′ fracht suchy | 2.347 | 2.349 | 2.343 | 2.278 |
Kostka o wysokości 40' | 2.347 | 2.684 | 2.343 | 2.584 |
Czy mogę podzielić się pojemnikiem i zaoszczędzić na kosztach?
Tak, Wiele osób dzieli się pojemnikami, aby zaoszczędzić na kosztach. Ponad 50% kosztów wysyłki kontenerowej to opłaty portowe, celne i spedycyjne, te nie wzrastają znacząco przy zastosowaniu kontenera 40" z dwoma pojazdami vs kontener 20" z jednym pojazdem.
Dlatego współdzieląc kontener, znacznie obniżasz koszty.
W miarę możliwości pomożemy Ci znaleźć innych podróżnych, którzy będą dzielić z Tobą kontener.
Wysyłka podstawowa (tylko RORO)
Usługa ta obejmuje:
- Rezerwacja frachtu morskiego RORO
- Koszty wychodzącego THC
- Opcja ubezpieczenia morskiego
Usługa ta nie obejmuje:
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu wyjazdu (czasami płatne na miejscu)
- Wychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Wychodzące – transport, wypychanie, skrzynie i odciągi w stosownych przypadkach
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu docelowym (płatne na miejscu)
- Przychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Przychodzące – przewóz i rozpakowywanie, jeśli dotyczy
- Szczegóły dotyczące kosztów w miejscu docelowym
- Wsparcie w trakcie całego procesu
Eksport - wysyłka i rozładunek/rozliczenie
Jest przeznaczony dla tych, którzy chcą uzyskać kompleksową stawkę i wsparcie w zakresie eksportu swojego pojazdu, ale chcą wyznaczyć własnego agenta w miejscu docelowym.
Usługa ta obejmuje:
- Rezerwacja frachtu morskiego (RORO i kontener)
- Koszty wychodzącego THC
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu wyjazdu (czasami płatne na miejscu)
- Wychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Wychodzące – transport, wypychanie, skrzynie i odciągi w stosownych przypadkach
- Opcja ubezpieczenia morskiego
- Wsparcie dla eksportu pojazdu
Usługa nie obejmuje:
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu docelowym
- Przychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Przychodzące – przewóz i rozpakowywanie, jeśli dotyczy
- Szczegóły dotyczące kosztów w miejscu docelowym
- Wsparcie przy imporcie pojazdu
Wszystko w - Wysyłka wychodząca / przychodząca Wypychanie / Rozliczanie
Usługa ta jest przeznaczona dla tych, którzy chcą, aby cały proces został przeprowadzony za nich i był wspierany przez cały czas.
Usługa ta obejmuje:
- Rezerwacja frachtu morskiego (RORO i kontener)
- Koszty wychodzącego THC
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu wyjazdu (czasami płatne na miejscu)
- Wychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Wychodzące – transport, wypychanie, skrzynie i odciągi w stosownych przypadkach
- Opcja ubezpieczenia morskiego
- Wyznaczenie agenta w miejscu docelowym (płatne na miejscu)
- Przychodzące – odprawa celna i formalności
- Przychodzące – przewóz i rozpakowywanie, jeśli dotyczy
- Szczegóły dotyczące kosztów w miejscu docelowym
- Wsparcie w trakcie całego procesu
Warunki wysyłki
Kiedy muszę dokonać płatności?
Zazwyczaj prosimy o zapłatę kosztów wysyłki wychodzącej przed wysyłką. (Fracht morski, opłaty portowe, dokumenty i wszelkie opłaty za odprawę). Czasami lokalne opłaty portowe są płatne przy wyjeździe, będzie to zależało od portu i załadowcy.
Twoje koszty importu, THC, agent i odprawa celna są rozliczane przez nas w dniu przyjazdu lub płacone lokalnie.
Po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji przekażemy Ci instrukcje dotyczące płatności oraz potwierdzimy sposób i termin uiszczenia wszelkich opłat.
*Należy pamiętać, że oryginalny BL i ładunek nie zostanie zwolniony do czasu uiszczenia wszystkich opłat.
Jak mogę dokonać płatności?
Płatności za opłaty wychodzące mogą być przekazywane do nas w funtach brytyjskich (£), dolarach amerykańskich ($) i euro (€). Prowadzimy rachunki we wszystkich trzech walutach, aby zmniejszyć koszty związane z obsługą wielu walut.
W niektórych przypadkach możemy poprosić Cię o dokonanie płatności na miejscu.
Płatności opłat importowych są zwykle płacone lokalnie, obejmują one THC, opłaty celne i opłaty agentów, jeśli dotyczy.
Szczegółowe instrukcje dotyczące płatności zostaną przekazane wraz z potwierdzeniem rezerwacji.
Czy ceny / stawki są stałe?
Stawki za wysyłkę mogą się różnić do momentu wyjazdu. Zwykle spedytorzy ustalają stawki na około 30 dni przed wyjazdem, ale jest to zależne od spedytora. Ponadto stawka za wysyłkę może być podana lub rozliczona w innej walucie niż Twoja, więc mogą wystąpić wahania kursów walut.
Wszelkie wahania kursów walut i opłaty walutowe będą ponoszone przez klienta.
Usługi w zakresie wysyłki samochodów i międzynarodowej wysyłki pojazdów
Wysyłka pojazdów w kontenerach
Szukasz niezawodnych usług transportu samochodowego w kontenerach z portu do portu? Nasza firma oferuje zarówno transport całokontenerowy (FCL), jak i współdzielone kontenery do przewozu samochodów, pojazdów 4x4 i motocykli. Uzyskaj natychmiastową wycenę dla swoich potrzeb w zakresie transportu kontenerowego już dziś!
Roll on Roll Off (RORO)
Usługi transportu pojazdów typu Roll on Roll off (RORO / Ro Ro) zazwyczaj zapewniają bardziej opłacalne opcje transportu niż transport kontenerowy. Uzyskaj natychmiastową wycenę stawek wysyłki RORO dla samochodów, pojazdów 4x4, kamperów i ciężarówek oraz znajdź porty wysyłki RORO w pobliżu. Skontaktuj się z nami już teraz, aby uzyskać niedrogie i niezawodne usługi transportowe RORO.
Odprawa celna pojazdów
Oferujemy niezawodne usługi odprawy celnej samochodów i pojazdów w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz współpracujemy z renomowanymi agentami w innych obszarach, aby zapewnić bezproblemową odprawę Twojego pojazdu. Nasze doświadczenie obejmuje szereg wymogów celnych, w tym import czasowy w celach turystycznych, import stały oraz odprawę pojazdów zabytkowych, klasycznych i kolekcjonerskich.
Dlaczego warto wysyłać samochody z nami?
Konkurencyjne ceny
Oferujemy uczciwe i rozsądne ceny za nasze usługi i negocjujemy stawki z naszymi partnerami, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą cenę.
Jeśli masz już ofertę, zrobimy wszystko, aby dopasować lub pobić każdą ważną ofertę.
Bezkonkurencyjna wiedza specjalistyczna
Mamy wiedzę, informacje i kontakty, aby zapewnić, że Twój pojazd bezpiecznie dotrze do celu. Możemy doradzić w zakresie wymagań dotyczących stałego i tymczasowego importu, wymagań dotyczących karnetu, lokalnych praw i zwyczajów, dostawców ubezpieczeń oraz lokalnych agentów i partnerów.
Serwis osobisty
Specjalizujemy się w wysyłce pojazdów, zarówno w celach turystycznych, wyprawowych jak i biznesowych.
Każda przesyłka jest traktowana jednakowo bez względu na jej wielkość.
Zaufani agenci
Do kasacji Państwa pojazdu używamy tylko znanych / zaufanych agentów. Pozwala to uniknąć niespodziewanych kosztów i komplikacji.
Wierzymy, że komunikacja jest najważniejsza. Podczas procesu wysyłki będziemy Cię informować na każdym kroku.
Rozumiemy Twoje potrzeby
Wysłaliśmy własny pojazd do wielu miejsc na świecie i w pełni rozumiemy Twoje potrzeby i wymagania jako klienta.
Uzyskaj niezobowiązującą wycenę już dziś
Stowarzyszenia handlowe
Kontakt / Śledź nas
Godziny pracy biura
Pracujemy w Wielkiej Brytanii od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 9:00 do 17:00 (strefa czasowa Wielka Brytania).
UK : +44 (0) 203 787 4201
US : +1 917-781-4536
E : [email protected]
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