Containerforsendelse | Bil Campervans 4x4's Autocampere
Sikker forsendelse af dit køretøj globalt Hurtigt tilbudContainerforsendelse
Forsendelse af din bil i en container er en pålidelig, sikker og omkostningseffektiv service, der opfylder dine krav. Containerforsendelse giver dig et bredere udvalg af destinationer og mulighed for sikker omladning. Hvis du har personlige ejendele, der skal sendes med dit køretøj, kan containerforsendelse tilbyde en mere sikker service.
Selv om RORO generelt er billigere end containerfragt, kan containerfragt tilføje fleksibilitet og matche eller slå RORO-priser, når der fragtes mere end ét køretøj.
Med containerfragt er der krav om at „fylde‟ containeren og omkostninger til transport til og fra havnen.
Containerforsendelse er ikke tilgængelig for alle køretøjer, den maksimale dørhøjde for en 20″ og 40″ HQ er henholdsvis 2,27 m og 2,58 m, hvilket ofte betyder, at autocampere, ekspeditionslastbiler og køretøjer med store tagbelastninger måske ikke passer i standardcontainere.
Overdimensionerede køretøjer har mulighed for flat rack (LOLO), men det er generelt dyrere end RORO og giver ikke den samme sikkerhed som at være forseglet inde i en container.
Standardcontainere findes i to størrelser: 20′ og 40′ i længden. Mens en 20 fods container er velegnet til forsendelse af én bil eller 4×4, giver en 40 fods container tilstrækkelig plads til to køretøjer i gennemsnitsstørrelse, så det kan være mere omkostningseffektivt, hvis du har mere end ét køretøj, der skal sendes.
Læsning af en bil til containerforsendelse
Vi er meget omhyggelige med at laste din bil sikkert, så den forbliver godt sikret under hele transporten til destinationen og ikke bevæger sig i containeren, hverken mens den er på havet eller bliver lastet og losset fra skibet.
På læsseanlægget køres din bil ind i containeren og placeres omhyggeligt, før alle fire hjul er sikkert fastspændt. Skraldebånd bruges derefter til at surre hjulene fast til øjerne i containeren for at sikre, at din bil ikke kan bevæge sig under transporten.
Nogle gange kan bilens forreste og bageste trækøjer bruges til at surre din bil sikkert fast i containeren.
Alle bilcontainere skal overholde strenge sikkerhedsbestemmelser, der bekræfter både deres strukturelle integritet, og at de er vind- og vandtætte. Disse strenge krav sikrer, at din bil forbliver sikker og beskyttet mod elementerne, når den er læsset i en container.
For at få et tilbud på at sende din bil i en container bedes du bruge denne formular.
Container andel
Deling af en container kan reducere dine forsendelsesomkostninger betydeligt.
Når I deler en container, deler I gebyrerne for fortoldning, transport og fyldning. Ofte er omkostningsstigningen ved at sende en 40 fods container sammenlignet med en 20 fods ikke væsentlig.
Uanset om du skal sende over Darien-kløften fra Colombia til Panama, Europa til Afrika eller en hvilken som helst anden destination, hjælper vi dig med at finde en shippingpartner.
Du har flere forskellige muligheder for at dele
- 40 fods containere
- 2 store køretøjer
- 1 stort køretøj og flere motorcykler
- 20 fods container (flere motorcykler)
- Flat Rack (2 store køretøjer)
Nuværende andel af åbne containere
Nedenfor er de aktuelle åbne containerandele, hvis du vil have os til at parre dig, så send os en e-mail med følgende:
- Dit tilbuds-ID
- Dato for afsendelse
- Citer id fra nedenstående, som du gerne vil dele med
- Vi tjekker derefter, at den anden afsender er klar til at fortsætte, og booker dig ind!
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
21.03.2025 | Germany | Egypt | Q68975 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.1 | |
21.03.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q69455 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
21.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q69505 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68513 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68511 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q59430 | Expedition Truck | 4.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
25.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q66437 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.9 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68858 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.03.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q69194 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
26.03.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69161 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
27.03.2025 | United States | Other | Q62601 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q67278 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q69458 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.03.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65383 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
28.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68016 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.03.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q68811 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
28.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69142 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.03.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59708 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67408 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68077 | Boat | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68452 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.03.2025 | Chile | United Kingdom | Q69206 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.2 | Yes - Asked to share | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q49580 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Canada | Q54751 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
31.03.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59440 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Kenya | Q60433 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEastAfrica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Namibia | Netherlands | Q60532 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q60685 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q67240 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Ecuador | Q67406 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68122 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68488 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q68490 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68787 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Uruguay | France | Q68993 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q69235 | Other | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q69469 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 1.1 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69496 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q53641 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q57005 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q57028 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q57881 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.3 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q59879 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | Q67039 | 2.6 |
01.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61394 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q61702 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q62088 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q63603 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q64886 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65136 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q68353 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68427 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Other | Q68507 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaOther | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.04.2025 | New Zealand | Australia | Q68741 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69228 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
02.04.2025 | Chile | Australia | Q67756 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Booking Requested | WestSouthAmericaOther | 2.3 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67805 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q68090 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68089 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68459 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 0.7 | |
02.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q69361 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61905 | Motorcycle | 10.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
03.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q65119 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q66987/Q67610 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q67610 | 2.3 |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q67610/Q66987 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66987 | 2.4 |
03.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67683 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67685 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67715 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q62655 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.04.2025 | Panama | France | Q69101 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q69220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68764 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q65972 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.8 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q66358 | 2.6 |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q66358 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q65972 | 2.4 |
06.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69444 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63318 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
08.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q64577 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q61884 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q67583 | 2.5 |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q67583 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q61884 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q61240 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66601 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66914 | 2.5 |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66914 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66601 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68589 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
11.04.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Kenya | Q66450 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastEastAfrica | 2.6 | |
11.04.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68876 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
12.04.2025 | Canada | Colombia | Q67100 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
14.04.2025 | Switzerland | Argentina | Q54150 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
14.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65263 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
14.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q66479 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69234 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
15.04.2025 | Panama | Chile | Q63929 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q67826 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | Europe du NordAmérique du Nord | 2.3 | |
15.04.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q68746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
16.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
16.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q57129 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q57152 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q57245 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q61140 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q61440 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61516 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.04.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67764 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67299 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q68960 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
18.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q69159 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
18.04.2025 | Namibia | United Kingdom | Q69460 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
19.04.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65968 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
20.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q63488 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
20.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66897 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
21.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68903 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Booking Requested | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
23.04.2025 | Mexico | Colombia | Q66143 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68734 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
24.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
24.04.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67209 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69510 | Other | 8.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
27.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68175 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.04.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q69350 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 0.8 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
30.04.2025 | France | United States | Q51710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62475 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q69392 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.05.2025 | France | United States | Q48249 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q57042 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q57061 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60172 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60528 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60530 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Switzerland | United States | Q61045 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q61335 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q62052 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Colombia | Q62177 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Asked to share | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q62969 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63772 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q64171 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q64335 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q66009 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q66264 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.05.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q66926 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q67463 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q67658 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66007 | 2.5 |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67804 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q68044 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68315 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.05.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Spain | Q69304 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69422 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q69517 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
02.05.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67923 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
03.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60069 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
04.05.2025 | India | Other | Q58483 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63752 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q68243 | 2.5 |
05.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q68263 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68243 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Container share | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q63752 | 2.2 |
06.05.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q68461 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.05.2025 | Uruguay | Canada | Q67732 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Kenya | Q56543 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68790 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
08.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q69242 | Van (commercial) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q65408 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68572 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
10.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q57367 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68398 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68957 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
12.05.2025 | Canada | France | Q62439 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | Amérique du NordEurope du Nord | 1.4 | |
14.05.2025 | France | Colombia | Q57564 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66096 | Trailer | 7.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q51118 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | United States | Spain | Q62904 | Trailer | 2.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Namibia | Germany | Q63730 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q64559 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q64981 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Belgium | Q65411 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | United Kingdom | Q65759 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Arranged/Booked | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68085 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.05.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68919 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
16.05.2025 | South Africa | Italy | Q66507 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
18.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68996 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64864 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q67484 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q69417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
20.05.2025 | Panama | Ecuador | Q65382 | Expedition Truck | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69379 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
26.05.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60260 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q60719 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
26.05.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q62565 | 4x4 | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64253 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | Germany | Kenya | Q67229 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q67231 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.8 | |
28.05.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67773 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
28.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69448 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
29.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68651 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q69222 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.05.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q69430 | Truck (commercial) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q59001 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59798 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q65820 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q58451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q59582 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q61944 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62054 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62749 | Van (commercial) | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | United States | Other | Q64787 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 2.6 | |
01.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65498 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Booking form received | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66467 | 2.6 |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q66868 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Other | Q67645 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q67733 | Other | 7.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68145 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68492 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69164 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | Q66479 | 2.5 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q58465 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
02.06.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q58597 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.9 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Greece | Q59606 | Expedition Truck | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66467 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q65498 | 2.2 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Cyprus | Q68801 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Rate Requested (carrier) | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.7 | |
04.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q52065 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.5 | |
04.06.2025 | France | Australia | Q59474 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q53926 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.2 | |
05.06.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q59427 | Motorcycle | 9.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.1 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q59595 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q66452 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Rate Requested (carrier) | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Poland | Canada | Q57527 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q65670 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66678 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q68762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69062 | Van (commercial) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
08.06.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63544 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.06.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q65901 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
09.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67187 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.06.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q59596 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q67937 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Switzerland | Q68715 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q62822 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
11.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67635 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
12.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q67654 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q67827 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.06.2025 | Panama | United Kingdom | Q65504 HAZ | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.06.2025 | India | Other | Q65957 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.4 | |
15.06.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q67611 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.5 | |
16.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66805 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64978 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66648 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q69445 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
20.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68138 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.06.2025 | Uruguay | Panama | Q68386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
21.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
22.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68309 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
23.06.2025 | Canada | France | Q64174 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
23.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68977 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59878 | 4x4 | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
24.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q59892 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Germany | Q69468 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
25.06.2025 | United States | Namibia | Q55024 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
25.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q65240 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
25.06.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q65694 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
26.06.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60738 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q68264 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Chile | United States | Q69325 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.06.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67346 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
29.06.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q61947 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
30.06.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68189 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.06.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68502 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q57798 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q58115 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60533 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q62876 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q65553 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66618 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67887 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68060 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | Morocco | Q68514 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeWestAfrica | 1.0 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69405 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 0.2 | |
01.07.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q69454 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
03.07.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q65742 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
03.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
04.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62509 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Italy | Q67745 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.9 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q60715 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q69370 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q67203 | 4x4 | 3.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
07.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68162 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
07.07.2025 | Chile | France | Q69102 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q69492 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
09.07.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60357 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q59993 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q60436 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62328 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62423 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68352 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
10.07.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q68656 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
17.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64119 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.2 | |
18.07.2025 | Chile | Panama | Q68387 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | WestSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.07.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q68886 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.07.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q69141 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
19.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q68846 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
20.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q61466 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
21.07.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q61247 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.07.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q69280 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
23.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q60556 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
25.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q53070 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
25.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q55923 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
26.07.2025 | France | Uruguay | Q60097 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
28.07.2025 | Germany | United Kingdom | Q61723 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
29.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66354 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
29.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68157 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 2.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.07.2025 | France | Namibia | Q56768 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
30.07.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q59455 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.07.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68978 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Netherlands | Q63782 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q63784 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q55919 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Australia | Q57301 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Canada | France | Q60410 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.08.2025 | France | Canada | Q60605 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | New Zealand | Chile | Q60878 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaWestSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | New Zealand | Q63759 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65954 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66062 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | New Zealand | Q66229 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | Rate Provided to client | OceaniaOceania | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66245 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q66311 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66296 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66471 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q67059 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67935 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68110 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q68341 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68339 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68441 | Van (commercial) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68649 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | Other | Q69329 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaOther | 2.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q69404 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
02.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68791 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
02.08.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Germany | Q69322 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
04.08.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q65257 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67313 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q68298 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.2 | |
05.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q53550 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q62258 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q53137 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67182 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
07.08.2025 | Malaysia | Other | Q52632 | Expedition Truck | 5.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | AsiaOther | 1.9 | |
07.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66944 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q64760 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68299 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
09.08.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q69219 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.08.2025 | Uruguay | Spain | Q66133 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
11.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q69503 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 2.2 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q63219 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q64434 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | Argentina | Panama | Q66323 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q67403 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | United Kingdom | Q69193 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q63790 | Other | 8.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
15.08.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65608 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q65645 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q66343 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66522 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q66622 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q67220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
17.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68815 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67009 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | France | Q61373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68018 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68292 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q68887 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
22.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68279 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q63701 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
27.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66778 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q64521 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65654 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
29.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66844 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q57184 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
30.08.2025 | Kenya | Italy | Q69336 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaEuropeMed | 2.2 | |
31.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q54281 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q56912 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q49823 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q52127 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 0.9 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Australia | Q53242 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaOceania | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q53243 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q57373 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Other | Germany | Q58109 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q59552 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Kenya | Spain | Q60396 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q60397 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q61766 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q62218 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Australia | United States | Q62280 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q63171 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64349 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64482 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64595 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q65764 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q66924 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q66940 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66999 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q67320 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Panama | Q67541 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67843 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Argentina | France | Q68005 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Mexico | Argentina | Q68048 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q68445 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q68641 | Other | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q68642 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68717 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68713 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Other | Q69508 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
03.09.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q68816 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
04.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q59308 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
07.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q63434 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67932 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.09.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67922 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q65788 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.4 | |
10.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66511 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
12.09.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66628 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.09.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q57002 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q62768 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67980 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q66423 | 2.5 |
16.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61537 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60466 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
17.09.2025 | Panama | Argentina | Q67130 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.7 | |
19.09.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q58901 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64463 | Van (commercial) | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60467 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
24.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Namibia | Q63266 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
25.09.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q68602 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | Netherlands | Panama | Q44812 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61511 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
27.09.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q61997 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
27.09.2025 | Canada | Ecuador | Q64078 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
28.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67739 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
30.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q63024 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.10.2025 | France | New Zealand | Q48045 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.5 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56892 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56896 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q61492 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q61699 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61956 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q64749 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q65051 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q65286 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q68803 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.10.2025 | United States | Peru | Q69074 | Boat | 2.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
02.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q59046 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 1.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
02.10.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67548 | Trailer | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
03.10.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q67385 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
05.10.2025 | Netherlands | India | Q67905 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeIndia | 2.1 | |
06.10.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65322 | Van (commercial) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
06.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q66246 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68204 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
07.10.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63297 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
07.10.2025 | Netherlands | Argentina | Q67389 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.10.2025 | United States | Spain | Q67880 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
10.10.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q68826 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.5 | |
12.10.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q43475 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
12.10.2025 | Colombia | Portugal | Q43476 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
13.10.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65952 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.6 | |
13.10.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68776 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.10.2025 | Uruguay | Poland | Q61959 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
14.10.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q65852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.6 | |
15.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q55251 | Van (commercial) | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.10.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q66423 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q67980 | 2.4 |
16.10.2025 | Spain | United States | Q59597 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q64124 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65614 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
16.10.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q67746 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q60059 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66196 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67387 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
22.10.2025 | Germany | Other | Q65131 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.5 | |
27.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65886 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
28.10.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63977 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q61954 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q64417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.10.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67537 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | France | Colombia | Q60351 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q61072 | 4x4 | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64727 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q64731 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65376 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66318 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.11.2025 | Canada | France | Q66362 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | New Zealand | Q67793 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 2.2 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | Australia | Q68047 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Australia | United States | Q68226 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
03.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q67676 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
06.11.2025 | France | Australia | Q53606 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
10.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69076 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
12.11.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q64884 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.11.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q67991 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
13.11.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q66152 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69065 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.11.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67280 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68314 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
22.11.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q64151 | Other | 9.6 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
29.11.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q53211 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
30.11.2025 | Switzerland | Panama | Q56745 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Poland | Q64378 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66439 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.12.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q54779 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.12.2025 | Australia | Netherlands | Q61386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes - Interested | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.12.2025 | India | Germany | Q65138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67151 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q68756 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69025 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
08.12.2025 | India | Poland | Q65350 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.12.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q66529 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.12.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q65984 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64774 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
13.12.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q64939 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.12.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
15.12.2025 | Belgium | New Zealand | Q67254 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Mexico | Uruguay | Q67555 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Panama | Uruguay | Q67557 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65747 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
23.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q44862 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
27.12.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q65915 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
27.12.2025 | Chile | Canada | Q65917 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q52073 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.01.2026 | Germany | United States | Q61668 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
02.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q65988 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.01.2026 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68622 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.01.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q63111 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q69011 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.01.2026 | Germany | Colombia | Q68727 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.01.2026 | United States | Uruguay | Q53760 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q52913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.02.2026 | India | Other | Q68638 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.02.2026 | Australia | United States | Q53607 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
05.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q67718 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.02.2026 | Panama | France | Q63048 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.02.2026 | United States | United Kingdom | Q54484 | Trailer | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.02.2026 | New Zealand | Australia | Q66694 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q65278 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65639 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.03.2026 | Australia | United Kingdom | Q68344 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
02.03.2026 | Belgium | United States | Q66762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
20.03.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61967 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68188 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q68228 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.04.2026 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
05.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q66992 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
06.04.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61301 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
09.04.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q66105 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
20.04.2026 | Panama | Colombia | Q67274 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | To Book - Interested | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
20.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68655 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
26.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q65567 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 0.7 | |
30.04.2026 | United States | Germany | Q65377 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
30.04.2026 | Uruguay | Portugal | Q68792 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.05.2026 | Netherlands | United States | Q64730 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.05.2026 | South Africa | Belgium | Q67820 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
05.05.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q69311 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
05.05.2026 | Argentina | Other | Q69491 | 4x4 | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
11.05.2026 | Germany | South Africa | Q65545 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
12.05.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q48202 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
02.06.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q63190 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
11.06.2026 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66881 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.07.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q58826 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.4 | |
04.07.2026 | United States | Colombia | Q50341 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.07.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q66724 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
12.07.2026 | Germany | United States | Q64500 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Australia | Q64722 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67539 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
04.09.2026 | Belgium | South Africa | Q58593 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
23.09.2026 | Argentina | Germany | Q62797 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.10.2026 | France | Colombia | Q45957 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
03.10.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q42729 | 4x4 | 4.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.11.2026 | Kenya | Oman | Q66878 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
11.11.2026 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64913 | Other | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
12.11.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q66932 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
13.11.2026 | Kenya | Belgium | Q66880 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.11.2026 | Colombia | Belgium | Q52777 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
17.11.2026 | South Africa | United States | Q66530 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q64776 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.5 | |
01.07.2027 | Germany | United States | Q60682 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.08.2027 | Belgium | Other | Q61470 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
30.09.2027 | India | Other | Q67202 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 2.6 | |
01.01.2028 | United Kingdom | United States | Q56024 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
16.03.2028 | Germany | Other | Q66861 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
Processen for containerforsendelse
- Fyldning – Containeren vil normalt blive læsset på et lager uden for havnen. Alt, hvad der læsses i containeren, bliver surret fast og sikret, uanset om det er en bil, en firehjulstrækker, en autocamper eller en motorcykel.
- Toldklarering – Afhængigt af havnen og eksportmetoden (TIP, Carnet osv.) vil forsendelsen blive toldklareret i løbet af processen. Det kan kræve en fysisk inspektion.
- Rangering – Containeren rangeres fra lageret/lastefaciliteten til havnen.
- Lastning på transportøren – Din container bliver lastet på skibet og er klar til at rejse til destinationen.
- Afskibning fra transportør – Din container vil blive losset fra skibet og opbevaret i havnen.
- Betaling af lokale havneafgifter (THC) og gebyrer – Lokale havneafgifter skal betales – nogle gange kan du betale dette direkte eller gennem din agent.
- Toldklarering – Afhængigt af havnen og eksportmetoden (TIP, Carnet osv.) vil forsendelsen blive toldklareret i løbet af processen. Det kan kræve en fysisk inspektion.
- Rangering – Containeren rangeres fra havnen til et lager eller en lastefacilitet.
- Aflæsning – Containeren vil blive fuldt aflæsset og returneret tom til havnen. Dit køretøj vil være klar til at køre *Forudsat at du opfylder de lokale krav til lovligt at køre køretøjet.
- For nogle lande er det en fordel at have carnetet hos vores agent, før containeren ankommer, så de kan begynde at rydde dit køretøj med det samme.
Hvordan beregnes prisen for containertransport?
Forsendelsesprisen er baseret på en række faktorer. For det første søfragt, som afhænger af ruten og containerstørrelsen, dvs. 20" eller 40" HQ.
Ud over søtransporten skal du også betale ekstra gebyrer i forbindelse med søtransporten Bunker Adjustment (BAF) og Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSF).
Andre gebyrer, der kan opkræves for eksport og import af forsendelsen, er sikkerhedsgebyrer, portgebyrer, dokumentgebyrer, terminalhåndteringsgebyrer (THC), stopning og klareringsgebyrer.
Afhængigt af, hvor containeren læsses og losses, kan du også blive opkrævet transportgebyrer.
Alle gebyrer varierer afhængigt af, hvilket transportfirma og hvilken havn der anvendes.
Kan jeg være til stede, mens containeren læsses?
Det afhænger i virkeligheden af havnen, hvor lasteaktiviteterne finder sted og de lokale regler og bestemmelser. Hvis læsningen foregår på en privat gård eller et privat lager, kan du være til stede under læsningen.
Hvis lastningen foregår i havnen eller på et sikkert sted, er dette ikke altid muligt.
Når du udfylder en anmodning om et tilbud, bedes du oplyse os om, at du gerne vil være til stede under lastningen.
Sikkerhed: Er mit køretøj sikkert?
Containerforsendelse er den sikreste form for søtransport, da varerne forsegles i containeren før forsendelsen.
Generelt har de fleste mennesker ingen problemer med tyveri eller beskadigelse af genstande under containertransport.
Der er dog stadig en risiko for, at skibet går på grund, at containeren falder af skibet, at containeren tabes eller stødes under lastning osv.
Der er en risiko for tyveri, som normalt sker ved af- og pålæsning, og du kan reducere denne risiko ved at sikre, at du er til stede under af- og pålæsning.
Du kan også købe en søforsikring for at dække dine varer under transporten.
Hvad er containerstørrelserne og dimensionerne?
De hyppigst anvendte beholderstørrelser er 20", 40" og 40" HQ.
Nedenfor er dimensionerne på de mest anvendte containere:
Container |
Indvendige dimensioner |
Døråbning |
Størrelse / type | Bredde | Højde | Bredde | Højde |
(m) | (m) | (m) | (m) | |
20′ tør fragt | 2.35 | 2.385 | 2.34 | 2.274 |
40′ tørlast | 2.347 | 2.349 | 2.343 | 2.278 |
40′ høj terning | 2.347 | 2.684 | 2.343 | 2.584 |
Kan jeg dele en container og spare på omkostningerne?
Ja, mange mennesker deler beholderne for at spare på omkostningerne. Mere end 50 % af omkostningerne ved containertransport er havneafgifter, told og transport, og disse omkostninger stiger ikke væsentligt ved brug af en 40" container med to køretøjer i forhold til en 20" container med et køretøj.
Ved at dele en container reducerer du derfor omkostningerne betydeligt ved at dele en container.
Hvor det er muligt, hjælper vi dig med at finde andre rejsende, som kan dele en container.
Grundlæggende forsendelse (kun RORO)
Denne service omfatter:
- Booking af søfragt RORO
- Udgifter til udgående THC
- Mulighed for søforsikring
Denne service omfatter ikke:
- Udpegning af en agent på afrejsestedet (undertiden betalt lokalt)
- Udgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Udgående – transport, udstopning, pakning, kasser og eventuel surring
- Udpegning af en agent på din destination (betales lokalt)
- Indgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Indgående – Transport og udpakning, hvor det er relevant
- Oplysninger om omkostningerne på din destination
- Støtte under hele processen
Eksport - forsendelse og udgående stuffing/clearing
Den er for dem, der ønsker en all in-rate og støtte til eksport af deres køretøj, men som ønsker at udpege deres egen agent på bestemmelsesstedet.
Denne service omfatter:
- Booking af søfragt (RORO og container)
- Udgifter til udgående THC
- Udpegning af en agent på afrejsestedet (undertiden betalt lokalt)
- Udgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Udgående – transport, udstopning, pakning, kasser og eventuel surring
- Mulighed for søforsikring
- Støtte til eksport af dit køretøj
Tjenesten omfatter ikke:
- Udpegning af en agent på din destination
- Indgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Indgående – Transport og udpakning, hvor det er relevant
- Oplysninger om omkostningerne på din destination
- Støtte til import af dit køretøj
All in - Forsendelse udgående / indgående Udstopning / clearing
Denne service er for dem, der ønsker at få hele processen håndteret for dem og får støtte under hele processen.
Denne service omfatter:
- Booking af søfragt (RORO og container)
- Udgifter til udgående THC
- Udnævnelse af en agent på afrejsestedet (nogle gange betalt lokalt)
- Udgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Udgående – transport, udstopning, pakning, kasser og eventuel surring
- Mulighed for søforsikring
- Udpegning af en agent på din destination (betales lokalt)
- Indgående – Toldklarering og papirarbejde
- Indgående – Transport og udpakning, hvor det er relevant
- Oplysninger om omkostningerne på din destination
- Støtte under hele processen
Hvornår skal jeg foretage betalingen?
Vi beder normalt om betaling af de udgående forsendelsesomkostninger før forsendelse. (søfragt, havneafgifter, dokumenter og eventuelle toldgebyrer). Nogle gange skal der betales lokale udgående havneafgifter ved afgang, men det afhænger af havnen og afskiberen.
Dine importomkostninger, THC, agent og toldklarering faktureres af os ved ankomsten eller betales lokalt.
Når din booking er blevet bekræftet, giver vi dig betalingsinstruktioner og bekræfter, hvordan og hvornår eventuelle gebyrer skal betales.
*Bemærk, at det originale BL og fragt ikke frigives, før alle gebyrer er betalt.
Hvordan foretager jeg betalingen?
Betalinger af udgående gebyrer kan overføres til os i britiske pund (£), amerikanske dollars ($) og euro (€). Vi har konti i alle tre valutaer for at reducere omkostningerne ved at håndtere flere valutaer.
I nogle tilfælde kan vi bede dig om at foretage betalinger lokalt.
Importgebyrer bet ales normalt lokalt og omfatter THC, toldgebyrer og eventuelle agentgebyrer.
Du får detaljerede betalingsinstruktioner sammen med din reservationsbekræftelse.
Er priserne/satserne faste?
Forsendelsesomkostningerne kan variere indtil afgangsstedet. Normalt fastsætter afskiberne priserne ca. 30 dage før afgang, men det afhænger af afskiberen. Desuden kan forsendelsesprisen være angivet eller afregnet i en anden valuta end din egen, så der kan forekomme valutakursudsving.
Eventuelle udsving i valutakurser og valutaomkostninger afholdes af kunden.
Biltransport og international biltransport
Containertransport af køretøjer
Leder du efter pålidelige containerbiltransporttjenester fra havn til havn? Vores virksomhed tilbyder både Full Container Load (FCL) og delte containere til transport af biler, firehjulstrækkere og motorcykler. Få et øjeblikkeligt tilbud på dine behov for containertransport i dag!
RORO (Roll on Roll Off)
RORO- / Ro Ro Ro-køretøjsforsendelser (Roll on Roll off) giver typisk mere omkostningseffektive forsendelsesmuligheder end containerforsendelse. Få et øjeblikkeligt tilbud på RORO-fragtpriser for biler, 4x4'er, autocampere og lastbiler, og find RORO-fragthavne i nærheden af dig. Kontakt os nu for overkommelige og pålidelige RORO-forsendelsestjenester.
Toldklarering af køretøjer
Vi tilbyder pålidelige toldklareringstjenester for biler og køretøjer i Storbritannien og samarbejder med velrenommerede agenter i andre områder for at sikre problemfri toldklarering af dit køretøj. Vores ekspertise dækker en række toldkrav, herunder midlertidig import i turistøjemed, permanent import og fortoldning af historiske, klassiske og samlerobjekter.
Hvorfor sende biler med os?
Konkurrencedygtige priser
Vi tilbyder fair og rimelige priser for vores tjenester og forhandler priser med vores partnere for at give dig den bedst mulige pris.
Hvis du allerede har et tilbud, vil vi gøre vores bedste for at matche eller slå ethvert gyldigt tilbud.
Uovertruffen ekspertise
Vi har viden, oplysninger og kontakter til at sikre, at dit køretøj kommer sikkert frem til sin destination. Vi kan rådgive om permanente og midlertidige importkrav, carnetkrav, lokale love og toldregler, forsikringsudbydere og lokale agenter og partnere.
Personlig service
Vi har specialiseret os i transport af køretøjer, uanset om det er til turisme, ekspeditioner eller erhverv.
Alle forsendelser behandles ens, uanset størrelsen.
Tillidsfulde agenter
Vi bruger kun kendte/tillidsfulde agenter til at rydde dit køretøj. Det hjælper med at undgå uventede omkostninger og komplikationer.
Vi mener, at kommunikation er af største betydning. Under forsendelsesprocessen holder vi dig underrettet om hvert eneste skridt på vejen.
Vi forstår dine behov
Vi har sendt vores eget køretøj til mange steder i verden og forstår fuldt ud dine behov og krav som kunde.
Få et uforpligtende tilbud i dag
Hvor vi sender
Kontakt / Følg os
Vi arbejder i Storbritannien mandag - fredag kl. 9 til 17 (tidszone Storbritannien) Lukket på helligdage og i weekender
UK : +44 (0) 203 787 4201
US : +1 917-781-4536
E : [email protected]
2025 International Vehicle Shipping Services Limited - Alle rettigheder forbeholdes