Spedizione di veicoli in Sudafrica e Namibia RORO e container
Spedite la vostra auto, il vostro camper, il vostro camper o il vostro camion in Sudafrica Preventivo immediatoSpedizione di veicoli dall’Europa al Sudafrica e alla Namibia
Siamo specializzati nella spedizione di auto, 4×4, Camper, camper e camion da campeggio in Sudafrica e Namibia e offriamo servizi di spedizione rapidi e frequenti. Roll on Roll off (RORO) e contenitore navi per tutti i principali porti sudafricani, tra cui Città del Capo, East London, Port Elizabeth e Durban e Namibia (Walvis Bay), siamo il vostro ponte marittimo per il Sudafrica.
Le partenze avvengono dai principali porti europei (UE) tra cui Regno Unito (Southampton, Tilbury, Liverpool, Felixstowe, London Gateway e Bristol), Belgio (Zeebrugge e Anversa), Germania (Bremerhaven e Amburgo), Paesi Bassi (Rotterdam) e altri.
I servizi sono attivi anche dagli Stati Uniti, dal Sud America (Colombia, Uruguay e Argentina) e dall’Australia. È possibile organizzare servizi di trasbordo per altre destinazioni, compresa l’India.
Alcune partenze sono dirette dall’Europa all’Africa, altre sono servizi di scalo. La navigazione può durare tra i 20 e i 40 giorni a seconda dei porti di partenza e di destinazione.
*Nota: le spedizioni a Walvis Bay dall’UE partono da Bremerhaven, Sheerness, Anversa e sono dirette solo verso sud. Le spedizioni dagli Stati Uniti partono da Baltimora e Brunswick.
Servizi RORO
Esistono servizi Roll on Roll off regolari e affidabili da e per l’Europa; noi consigliamo di prenotare i servizi diretti che fanno la spola tra l’Europa e il Sudafrica, in quanto offrono una maggiore tranquillità in termini di sicurezza rispetto ai servizi di scalo attraverso le Americhe o l’Africa occidentale.
Per il ritorno dal Sudafrica abbiamo 4 servizi, tre dei quali sono diretti senza scali una volta lasciato il Sudafrica, fino all’arrivo al primo porto in Europa.
L’altro è un servizio di scalo verso l’Europa via Africa occidentale (Tema, Abidjan, Dakar, Conakry) o Sud America (Santos Brasile, Montevideo, Zarate, Vitoria).
Il servizio di fermata è di solito più economico dei servizi diretti.
I servizi sono convenienti per chi ha veicoli fuori misura, ma forniscono anche un confronto dei costi con la condivisione di un container da 40 piedi per un veicolo più piccolo.
I costi di importazione/esportazione della spedizione RORO sono significativamente più bassi rispetto alla spedizione di container in Africa meridionale.
Il mio veicolo deve essere fumigato/trattato per il Sudafrica?
La risposta breve è no, il vostro veicolo non deve essere fumigato o trattato per la spedizione in Sudafrica.
Alcuni vettori attualmente richiedono che tutti i veicoli siano trattati per la BMSB (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug) sulle navi che proseguono verso l’Australia e la Nuova Zelanda. Purtroppo, con notevoli costi aggiuntivi, l’unità deve essere consegnata al porto in anticipo.
Per questo motivo, utilizziamo principalmente vasi che non necessitano di trattamento, risparmiando così tempo e denaro. Tuttavia, se desiderate spedire sulle navi che richiedono la fumigazione, saremo lieti di farlo.
Altre società di spedizione potrebbero dirvi che il trattamento è necessario perché utilizzano solo un determinato vettore, ma non è obbligatorio per tutte le superfici.
Orari di spedizione RORO dall’Europa a Port Elizabeth e Durban in Sudafrica e a Walvis Bay, Namibia
Vessel | Germany | Belgium | UK | Walvis Bay | Port Elizabeth | East London | Durban | Treatment Req'd |
C1 | 10.05.2022 | 10.08.2022 | 10.10.2022 | 11.01.2022 | No | |||
C1 | 01.01.1970 | 01.01.1970 | 11.10.2022 | 12.10.2022 | No | |||
C1 | 12.03.2022 | 12.06.2022 | 12.10.2022 | 01.02.2023 | No | |||
Vessel | Germany | Belgium | UK | Walvis Bay | Port Elizabeth | East London | Durban | Treatment Req'd |
Note sul trattamento BMSB
1 – Tutti i carichi richiedono un trattamento
2 – Solo i camper, le auto da campeggio e gli Expedition Trucks necessitano di un trattamento, tutti gli altri carichi non sono soggetti a trattamento
*Si prega di notare che il servizio di scalo si ferma normalmente nei seguenti porti al di fuori dell’Europa: Dakar, Conakry, Abidjan, Tema, Lome prima di Walvis Bay a Durban.
*Attualmente il numero di navi prenotabili è limitato, poiché qualsiasi nave che prosegue verso l’Australasia (Australia Nuova Zelanda) richiede che tutto il carico sia fumigato, quindi possiamo mettere il carico solo su navi che non proseguono verso l’Australia Nuova Zelanda.
*Vettore 2 – prezzo spot / che deve essere verificato con il vettore per le partenze specifiche.
Tariffe RORO
Per l’Africa meridionale, le tariffe partono da 70 dollari al metro cubo; sono disponibili tariffe speciali per veicoli di altezza/volume inferiore. I costi di importazione sono in genere di 500-800 dollari, a seconda del porto, del vettore e del peso/dimensioni del veicolo.
Per il ritorno dall’Africa meridionale all’Europa, le tariffe partono da 70 dollari al metro cubo; sono disponibili tariffe speciali per veicoli di altezza/volume inferiore. I costi di esportazione sono in genere compresi tra 450 e 800 dollari, a seconda del porto, del vettore e del peso/dimensioni del veicolo.
Servizi di spedizione container per l’Africa meridionale
Offriamo servizi settimanali di trasporto container dalla maggior parte dei principali porti del Nord Europa verso il Sudafrica (Città del Capo e Durban) e Walvis Bay-Namibia.
Disponiamo di una solida rete di partner a Walvis Bay, in Namibia, a Città del Capo e a Durban, in Sudafrica, che possono aiutarvi a soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza di importazione.
Tariffe di spedizione dei container (da)
Possiamo offrire i seguenti prezzi dai porti britannici ed europei (Anversa, Rotterdam, Amburgo) ai porti sudafricani di Città del Capo e Durban. Prezzi per la Namibia su richiesta.
20ft/40ft HC
Porti UE 1.500 euro / 2.550 euro
Porti del Regno Unito £1.350 / £2.000
*I costi sopra indicati comprendono tutti i costi di esportazione, spedizione, imballaggio e sdoganamento. Alcuni costi sono variabili a seconda del porto di partenza e saranno confermati al momento della prenotazione.
Possiamo nominare un agente di sgombero per vostro conto o fornirvi un elenco di agenti affidabili tra cui scegliere.
I costi portuali locali e le spese di sdoganamento sono generalmente elevati nella regione; si prevedono costi compresi tra 500 e 1200 dollari a seconda del metodo di trasporto e delle dimensioni del veicolo.
Vi aiuteremo a trovare un partner di spedizione / un compagno di container
Quota di container dall’Europa al Sudafrica
Di seguito sono riportate le attuali quote di contenitori aperti; se desiderate che vi paghiamo, inviateci un’e-mail con quanto segue:
- Il vostro ID preventivo
- Data di spedizione
- Citare l’id di seguito che si desidera condividere con
- Verificheremo quindi che l’altro spedizioniere sia pronto a procedere e vi prenoteremo!
Aggiungete qui la vostra spedizione alla nostra lista di condivisione dei container
Shipping Date | Country shipping From | Country Shipping to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
21.03.2025 | Germany | Egypt | Q68975 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.1 | |
21.03.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q69455 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
21.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q69505 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68513 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68511 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q59430 | Expedition Truck | 4.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
25.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q66437 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.9 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68858 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.03.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q69194 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
26.03.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69161 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
27.03.2025 | United States | Other | Q62601 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q67278 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q69458 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.03.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65383 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
28.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68016 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.03.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q68811 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
28.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69142 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.03.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59708 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67408 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68077 | Boat | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68452 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.03.2025 | Chile | United Kingdom | Q69206 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.2 | Yes - Asked to share | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q49580 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Canada | Q54751 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
31.03.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59440 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Kenya | Q60433 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEastAfrica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Namibia | Netherlands | Q60532 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q60685 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q67240 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Ecuador | Q67406 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68122 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68488 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q68490 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68787 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Uruguay | France | Q68993 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q69235 | Other | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q69469 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 1.1 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69496 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q53641 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q57005 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q57028 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q57881 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.3 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q59879 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | Q67039 | 2.6 |
01.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61394 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q61702 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q62088 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q63603 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q64886 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65136 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q68353 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68427 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Other | Q68507 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaOther | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.04.2025 | New Zealand | Australia | Q68741 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69228 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
02.04.2025 | Chile | Australia | Q67756 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Booking Requested | WestSouthAmericaOther | 2.3 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67805 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q68090 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68089 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68459 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 0.7 | |
02.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q69361 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61905 | Motorcycle | 10.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
03.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q65119 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q66987/Q67610 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q67610 | 2.3 |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q67610/Q66987 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66987 | 2.4 |
03.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67683 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67685 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67715 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q62655 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.04.2025 | Panama | France | Q69101 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q69220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68764 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q65972 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.8 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q66358 | 2.6 |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q66358 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q65972 | 2.4 |
06.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69444 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63318 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
08.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q64577 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q61884 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q67583 | 2.5 |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q67583 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q61884 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q61240 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66601 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66914 | 2.5 |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66914 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66601 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68589 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
11.04.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Kenya | Q66450 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastEastAfrica | 2.6 | |
11.04.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68876 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
12.04.2025 | Canada | Colombia | Q67100 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
14.04.2025 | Switzerland | Argentina | Q54150 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
14.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65263 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
14.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q66479 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69234 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
15.04.2025 | Panama | Chile | Q63929 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q67826 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | Europe du NordAmérique du Nord | 2.3 | |
15.04.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q68746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
16.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
16.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q57129 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q57152 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q57245 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q61140 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q61440 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61516 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.04.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67764 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67299 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q68960 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
18.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q69159 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
18.04.2025 | Namibia | United Kingdom | Q69460 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
19.04.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65968 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
20.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q63488 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
20.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66897 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
21.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68903 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Booking Requested | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
23.04.2025 | Mexico | Colombia | Q66143 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68734 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
24.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
24.04.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67209 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69510 | Other | 8.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
27.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68175 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.04.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q69350 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 0.8 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
30.04.2025 | France | United States | Q51710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62475 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q69392 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.05.2025 | France | United States | Q48249 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q57042 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q57061 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60172 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60528 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60530 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Switzerland | United States | Q61045 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q61335 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q62052 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Colombia | Q62177 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Asked to share | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q62969 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63772 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q64171 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q64335 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q66009 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q66264 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.05.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q66926 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q67463 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q67658 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66007 | 2.5 |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67804 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q68044 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68315 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.05.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Spain | Q69304 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69422 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q69517 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
02.05.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67923 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
03.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60069 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
04.05.2025 | India | Other | Q58483 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63752 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q68243 | 2.5 |
05.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q68263 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68243 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Container share | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q63752 | 2.2 |
06.05.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q68461 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.05.2025 | Uruguay | Canada | Q67732 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Kenya | Q56543 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68790 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
08.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q69242 | Van (commercial) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q65408 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68572 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
10.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q57367 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68398 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68957 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
12.05.2025 | Canada | France | Q62439 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | Amérique du NordEurope du Nord | 1.4 | |
14.05.2025 | France | Colombia | Q57564 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66096 | Trailer | 7.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q51118 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | United States | Spain | Q62904 | Trailer | 2.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Namibia | Germany | Q63730 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q64559 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q64981 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Belgium | Q65411 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | United Kingdom | Q65759 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Arranged/Booked | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68085 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.05.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68919 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
16.05.2025 | South Africa | Italy | Q66507 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
18.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68996 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64864 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q67484 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q69417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
20.05.2025 | Panama | Ecuador | Q65382 | Expedition Truck | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69379 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
26.05.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60260 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q60719 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
26.05.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q62565 | 4x4 | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64253 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | Germany | Kenya | Q67229 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q67231 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.8 | |
28.05.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67773 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
28.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69448 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
29.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68651 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q69222 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.05.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q69430 | Truck (commercial) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q59001 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59798 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q65820 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q58451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q59582 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q61944 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62054 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62749 | Van (commercial) | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | United States | Other | Q64787 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 2.6 | |
01.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65498 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Booking form received | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66467 | 2.6 |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q66868 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Other | Q67645 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q67733 | Other | 7.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68145 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68492 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69164 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | Q66479 | 2.5 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q58465 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
02.06.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q58597 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.9 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Greece | Q59606 | Expedition Truck | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66467 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q65498 | 2.2 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Cyprus | Q68801 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Rate Requested (carrier) | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.7 | |
04.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q52065 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.5 | |
04.06.2025 | France | Australia | Q59474 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q53926 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.2 | |
05.06.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q59427 | Motorcycle | 9.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.1 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q59595 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q66452 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Rate Requested (carrier) | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Poland | Canada | Q57527 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q65670 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66678 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q68762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69062 | Van (commercial) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
08.06.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63544 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.06.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q65901 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
09.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67187 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.06.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q59596 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q67937 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Switzerland | Q68715 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q62822 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
11.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67635 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
12.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q67654 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q67827 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.06.2025 | Panama | United Kingdom | Q65504 HAZ | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.06.2025 | India | Other | Q65957 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.4 | |
15.06.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q67611 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.5 | |
16.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66805 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64978 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66648 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q69445 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
20.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68138 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.06.2025 | Uruguay | Panama | Q68386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
21.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
22.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68309 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
23.06.2025 | Canada | France | Q64174 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
23.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68977 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59878 | 4x4 | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
24.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q59892 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Germany | Q69468 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
25.06.2025 | United States | Namibia | Q55024 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
25.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q65240 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
25.06.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q65694 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
26.06.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60738 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q68264 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Chile | United States | Q69325 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.06.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67346 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
29.06.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q61947 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
30.06.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68189 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.06.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68502 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q57798 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q58115 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60533 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q62876 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q65553 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66618 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67887 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68060 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | Morocco | Q68514 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeWestAfrica | 1.0 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69405 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 0.2 | |
01.07.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q69454 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
03.07.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q65742 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
03.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
04.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62509 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Italy | Q67745 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.9 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q60715 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q69370 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q67203 | 4x4 | 3.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
07.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68162 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
07.07.2025 | Chile | France | Q69102 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q69492 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
09.07.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60357 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q59993 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q60436 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62328 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62423 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68352 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
10.07.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q68656 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
17.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64119 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.2 | |
18.07.2025 | Chile | Panama | Q68387 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | WestSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.07.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q68886 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.07.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q69141 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
19.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q68846 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
20.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q61466 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
21.07.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q61247 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.07.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q69280 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
23.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q60556 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
25.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q53070 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
25.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q55923 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
26.07.2025 | France | Uruguay | Q60097 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
28.07.2025 | Germany | United Kingdom | Q61723 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
29.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66354 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
29.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68157 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 2.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.07.2025 | France | Namibia | Q56768 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
30.07.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q59455 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.07.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68978 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Netherlands | Q63782 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q63784 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q55919 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Australia | Q57301 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Canada | France | Q60410 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.08.2025 | France | Canada | Q60605 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | New Zealand | Chile | Q60878 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaWestSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | New Zealand | Q63759 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65954 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66062 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | New Zealand | Q66229 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | Rate Provided to client | OceaniaOceania | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66245 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q66311 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66296 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66471 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q67059 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67935 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68110 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q68341 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68339 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68441 | Van (commercial) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68649 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | Other | Q69329 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaOther | 2.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q69404 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
02.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68791 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
02.08.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Germany | Q69322 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
04.08.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q65257 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67313 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q68298 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.2 | |
05.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q53550 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q62258 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q53137 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67182 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
07.08.2025 | Malaysia | Other | Q52632 | Expedition Truck | 5.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | AsiaOther | 1.9 | |
07.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66944 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q64760 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68299 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
09.08.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q69219 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.08.2025 | Uruguay | Spain | Q66133 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
11.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q69503 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 2.2 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q63219 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q64434 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | Argentina | Panama | Q66323 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q67403 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | United Kingdom | Q69193 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q63790 | Other | 8.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
15.08.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65608 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q65645 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q66343 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66522 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q66622 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q67220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
17.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68815 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67009 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | France | Q61373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68018 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68292 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q68887 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
22.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68279 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q63701 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
27.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66778 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q64521 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65654 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
29.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66844 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q57184 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
30.08.2025 | Kenya | Italy | Q69336 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaEuropeMed | 2.2 | |
31.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q54281 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q56912 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q49823 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q52127 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 0.9 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Australia | Q53242 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaOceania | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q53243 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q57373 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Other | Germany | Q58109 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q59552 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Kenya | Spain | Q60396 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q60397 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q61766 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q62218 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Australia | United States | Q62280 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q63171 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64349 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64482 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64595 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q65764 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q66924 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q66940 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66999 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q67320 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Panama | Q67541 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67843 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Argentina | France | Q68005 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Mexico | Argentina | Q68048 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q68445 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q68641 | Other | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q68642 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68717 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68713 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Other | Q69508 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
03.09.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q68816 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
04.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q59308 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
07.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q63434 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67932 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.09.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67922 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q65788 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.4 | |
10.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66511 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
12.09.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66628 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.09.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q57002 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q62768 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67980 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q66423 | 2.5 |
16.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61537 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60466 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
17.09.2025 | Panama | Argentina | Q67130 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.7 | |
19.09.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q58901 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64463 | Van (commercial) | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60467 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
24.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Namibia | Q63266 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
25.09.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q68602 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | Netherlands | Panama | Q44812 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61511 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
27.09.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q61997 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
27.09.2025 | Canada | Ecuador | Q64078 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
28.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67739 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
30.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q63024 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.10.2025 | France | New Zealand | Q48045 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.5 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56892 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56896 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q61492 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q61699 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61956 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q64749 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q65051 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q65286 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q68803 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.10.2025 | United States | Peru | Q69074 | Boat | 2.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
02.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q59046 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 1.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
02.10.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67548 | Trailer | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
03.10.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q67385 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
05.10.2025 | Netherlands | India | Q67905 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeIndia | 2.1 | |
06.10.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65322 | Van (commercial) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
06.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q66246 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68204 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
07.10.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63297 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
07.10.2025 | Netherlands | Argentina | Q67389 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.10.2025 | United States | Spain | Q67880 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
10.10.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q68826 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.5 | |
12.10.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q43475 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
12.10.2025 | Colombia | Portugal | Q43476 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
13.10.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65952 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.6 | |
13.10.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68776 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.10.2025 | Uruguay | Poland | Q61959 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
14.10.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q65852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.6 | |
15.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q55251 | Van (commercial) | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.10.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q66423 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q67980 | 2.4 |
16.10.2025 | Spain | United States | Q59597 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q64124 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65614 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
16.10.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q67746 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q60059 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66196 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67387 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
22.10.2025 | Germany | Other | Q65131 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.5 | |
27.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65886 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
28.10.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63977 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q61954 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q64417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.10.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67537 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | France | Colombia | Q60351 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q61072 | 4x4 | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64727 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q64731 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65376 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66318 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.11.2025 | Canada | France | Q66362 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | New Zealand | Q67793 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 2.2 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | Australia | Q68047 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Australia | United States | Q68226 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
03.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q67676 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
06.11.2025 | France | Australia | Q53606 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
10.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69076 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
12.11.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q64884 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.11.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q67991 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
13.11.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q66152 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69065 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.11.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67280 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68314 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
22.11.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q64151 | Other | 9.6 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
29.11.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q53211 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
30.11.2025 | Switzerland | Panama | Q56745 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Poland | Q64378 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66439 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.12.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q54779 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.12.2025 | Australia | Netherlands | Q61386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes - Interested | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.12.2025 | India | Germany | Q65138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67151 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q68756 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69025 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
08.12.2025 | India | Poland | Q65350 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.12.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q66529 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.12.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q65984 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64774 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
13.12.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q64939 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.12.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
15.12.2025 | Belgium | New Zealand | Q67254 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Mexico | Uruguay | Q67555 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Panama | Uruguay | Q67557 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65747 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
23.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q44862 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
27.12.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q65915 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
27.12.2025 | Chile | Canada | Q65917 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q52073 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.01.2026 | Germany | United States | Q61668 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
02.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q65988 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.01.2026 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68622 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.01.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q63111 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q69011 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.01.2026 | Germany | Colombia | Q68727 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.01.2026 | United States | Uruguay | Q53760 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q52913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.02.2026 | India | Other | Q68638 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.02.2026 | Australia | United States | Q53607 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
05.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q67718 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.02.2026 | Panama | France | Q63048 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.02.2026 | United States | United Kingdom | Q54484 | Trailer | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.02.2026 | New Zealand | Australia | Q66694 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q65278 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65639 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.03.2026 | Australia | United Kingdom | Q68344 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
02.03.2026 | Belgium | United States | Q66762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
20.03.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61967 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68188 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q68228 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.04.2026 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
05.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q66992 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
06.04.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61301 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
09.04.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q66105 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
20.04.2026 | Panama | Colombia | Q67274 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | To Book - Interested | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
20.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68655 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
26.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q65567 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 0.7 | |
30.04.2026 | United States | Germany | Q65377 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
30.04.2026 | Uruguay | Portugal | Q68792 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.05.2026 | Netherlands | United States | Q64730 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.05.2026 | South Africa | Belgium | Q67820 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
05.05.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q69311 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
05.05.2026 | Argentina | Other | Q69491 | 4x4 | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
11.05.2026 | Germany | South Africa | Q65545 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
12.05.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q48202 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
02.06.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q63190 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
11.06.2026 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66881 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.07.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q58826 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.4 | |
04.07.2026 | United States | Colombia | Q50341 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.07.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q66724 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
12.07.2026 | Germany | United States | Q64500 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Australia | Q64722 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67539 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
04.09.2026 | Belgium | South Africa | Q58593 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
23.09.2026 | Argentina | Germany | Q62797 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.10.2026 | France | Colombia | Q45957 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
03.10.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q42729 | 4x4 | 4.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.11.2026 | Kenya | Oman | Q66878 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
11.11.2026 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64913 | Other | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
12.11.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q66932 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
13.11.2026 | Kenya | Belgium | Q66880 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.11.2026 | Colombia | Belgium | Q52777 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
17.11.2026 | South Africa | United States | Q66530 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q64776 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.5 | |
01.07.2027 | Germany | United States | Q60682 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.08.2027 | Belgium | Other | Q61470 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
30.09.2027 | India | Other | Q67202 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 2.6 | |
01.01.2028 | United Kingdom | United States | Q56024 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
16.03.2028 | Germany | Other | Q66861 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
Shipping Date | Country shipping From | Country Shipping to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
Aggiungi spedizione
Requisiti di importazione/esportazione
Africa meridionale
Importazioni temporanee
Per l’Africa australe, spediamo solo veicoli a scopo turistico con un Carnet valido. Se il veicolo viene importato a titolo definitivo, il carnet non è necessario, ma è necessario pagare le tasse e i dazi.
Per l’importazione, chiediamo che il carnet originale sia presso i nostri agenti locali almeno una settimana prima dell’arrivo della nave, in modo che possano espletare le necessarie formalità doganali.
Per l’esportazione, si consiglia di arrivare nella città di partenza una settimana prima della partenza per espletare le formalità doganali. Le formalità doganali possono essere espletate qualche giorno prima dell’arrivo del veicolo in porto. In circostanze normali, il veicolo viene consegnato al porto 48 ore prima dell’arrivo della nave.
Permanente importazioni
Se avete intenzione di importare permanentemente il vostro veicolo in Sudafrica, prima di spedirlo dal Regno Unito ottenete un permesso di importazione ITAC e una LOA.
Assicurazione di viaggio
Consigliamo vivamente di stipulare una polizza assicurativa per i viaggi in Africa. Per saperne di più sull’assicurazione di viaggio in Africa.
Si consiglia di prenotare i servizi diretti in Africa 2-3 mesi prima della partenza a causa dell’elevato volume di merci su questa rotta. Per ottenere un preventivo, compilate il nostro modulo online.
Per la realizzazione chiediamo le seguenti informazioni:
- Copia del libretto di circolazione
- Copia del passaporto
- Copia del carnet (solo per le importazioni temporanee)
- Copia della fattura di vendita e del permesso di importazione ITAC (in caso di importazione definitiva).
Letture e informazioni consigliate
Il gruppo facebook Overlanding Africa è la migliore risorsa per i viaggiatori con i loro veicoli, che fornisce informazioni su itinerari, campeggi, visti, passaggi di frontiera e molto altro. Iscrivetevi oggi stesso e incontrate altri viaggiatori.
Collegamenti portuali da e per l’Africa
Ottenete oggi stesso un preventivo non vincolante
Servizi di spedizione auto e spedizione internazionale di veicoli
Spedizione di veicoli in container
Cercate servizi affidabili di spedizione di autoveicoli in container da un porto all'altro? La nostra azienda offre opzioni di carico completo (Full Container Load, FCL) e di container condivisi per il trasporto di auto, 4x4 e moto. Richiedete oggi stesso un preventivo immediato per le vostre esigenze di spedizione in container!
Roll on Roll off (RORO / Ro Ro)
I servizi di spedizione di veicoli Roll on Roll off (RORO) offrono in genere opzioni di spedizione più convenienti rispetto alla spedizione di container. Ottenete un preventivo immediato per le tariffe di spedizione RORO per auto, 4x4, camper e camion e trovate i porti di spedizione RORO più vicini a voi. Contattateci subito per avere servizi di spedizione RORO affidabili e convenienti.
Sdoganamento del veicolo
Offriamo servizi affidabili di sdoganamento di auto e veicoli nel Regno Unito e collaboriamo con agenti affidabili in altre aree per garantire uno sdoganamento senza problemi del vostro veicolo. La nostra esperienza copre una serie di requisiti doganali, tra cui l'importazione temporanea per turismo, l'importazione permanente e lo sdoganamento di veicoli storici, classici e da collezione.
Perché spedire le auto con noi?
Prezzi competitivi
Offriamo prezzi equi e ragionevoli per i nostri servizi e negoziamo le tariffe con i nostri partner per offrirvi il miglior prezzo possibile.
Se avete già un'offerta, faremo del nostro meglio per eguagliare o battere qualsiasi offerta valida.
Competenza impareggiabile
Abbiamo le conoscenze, le informazioni e i contatti per garantire che il vostro veicolo arrivi a destinazione in tutta sicurezza. Possiamo fornire consulenza sui requisiti per l'importazione permanente e temporanea, sui requisiti del carnet, sulle leggi e le dogane locali, sui fornitori di assicurazioni e sugli agenti e partner locali.
Servizio personale
Siamo specializzati nella spedizione di veicoli, sia per turismo che per spedizioni o per affari.
Ogni spedizione viene trattata allo stesso modo, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni.
Agenti di fiducia
Per lo sgombero del vostro veicolo utilizziamo solo agenti conosciuti e fidati. In questo modo si evitano costi imprevisti e complicazioni.
Riteniamo che la comunicazione sia della massima importanza. Durante il processo di spedizione vi terremo informati ad ogni passo.
Capiamo le vostre esigenze
Abbiamo spedito il nostro veicolo in molti luoghi del mondo e comprendiamo appieno le vostre esigenze e i vostri requisiti come clienti.
Associazioni di categoria
Contatto / Seguiteci
Orari di ufficio
Lavoriamo nel Regno Unito dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 17.00 (fuso orario del Regno Unito) Chiuso nei giorni festivi e nei weekend
UK : +44 (0) 203 787 4201
US : +1 917-781-4536
E : [email protected]
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