Containerschifffahrt | Auto Wohnmobile 4x4's Wohnmobile
Sicherer, sicherer Versand für Ihr Fahrzeug weltweit Schnelles AngebotContainer Schifffahrt
Der Versand Ihres Autos in einem Container bietet einen zuverlässigen, sicheren und kostengünstigen Service, der Ihren Anforderungen entspricht. Container Shipping bietet Ihnen eine breitere Auswahl an Destinationen und ermöglicht eine sichere Umladung. Wenn Sie persönliche Besitztümer haben, die mit Ihrem Fahrzeug ausgeliefert werden sollen, kann die Containerschifffahrt einen sichereren Service bieten.
Obwohl im allgemeinen RoRo billiger ist als die Containerschifffahrt, kann die Containerschifffahrt flexibler werden und kann die Preise von RoRo-Preisen, bei denen mehr als ein Fahrzeug ausgeliefert wird, abgleichen oder schlagen.
Bei der Containerschifffahrt besteht die Anforderung, den Container und die Transportkosten vom und zum Hafen zu „stopfen“.
Container Versand ist nicht für alle Fahrzeuge, die maximale Höhe der Tür für eine 20 „und 40“ HQ sind 2.58 m bzw., die oft bedeutet, dass Wohnmobil, Expedition Lastwagen und Fahrzeuge mit großen Dachlasten kann nicht in Standard-Container passen.
Überdimensionierte Fahrzeuge haben die Optionen der Flat Rack (Lolo) aber im Allgemeinen funktioniert dies, um teurer als RoRo und bietet nicht die gleiche Sicherheit wie in einem Container versiegelt.
Standard Container sind in zwei Größen erhältlich; 20 ‚ und 40 ‚ in der Länge. Während ein 20 ‚ Container für den Versand von einem Auto oder 4X4 geeignet ist, bietet ein 40 ‚ Container genügend Platz für zwei durchschnittliche Größe Fahrzeuge so kostengünstiger sein kann, wenn Sie mehr als ein Fahrzeug zu versenden.
Beladen eines Autos für den Container Versand
Große Sorgfalt wird genommen, um Ihr Auto sicher zu beladen, damit es für die Dauer des Versands zum Bestimmungsort gut gesichert bleibt und sich nicht innerhalb des Containers entweder während auf See bewegt oder wird geladen und Entladen vom Schiff.
Bei der Verladeeinrichtung wird Ihr Fahrzeug in den Behälter Gefahren und sorgfältig positioniert, bevor alle vier Räder sicher chocked sind. Ratsche Gurte werden dann verwendet, um die Räder Peitsche zu sichern Ösen innerhalb des Behälters, um sicherzustellen, Ihr Auto kann nicht während des Transports zu bewegen.
Manchmal können die Fahrzeuge vorne und hinten abschleppösen verwendet werden, um Ihr Auto sicher in den Container zu peitschen.
Alle Auto Versandbehälter müssen strenge Sicherheitsvorschriften einhalten, die sowohl ihre strukturelle Unversehrtheit bestätigen als auch, dass Sie Wind und wasserdicht sind. Diese strengen Anforderungen stellen sicher, dass Ihr Fahrzeug beim beladen in einen Behälter sicher und vor den Elementen geschützt bleibt.
Für einen Kostenvoranschlag für die Verschiffung Ihres Fahrzeugs in einem Container verwenden Sie bitte dieses Formular.
Container Freigabe
Die gemeinsame Nutzung eines Containers kann Ihre Versandkosten erheblich reduzieren.
Wenn Sie einen Container teilen, werden Sie Zollabfertigung, LKW-und Füllungs Gebühren teilen. Oft ist die Kostensteigerung der Schifffahrt ein 40ft Container im Vergleich ein 20ft ist nicht signifikant.
Ob Sie den Versand über die Darien GAP von Kolumbien nach Panama, Europa nach Afrika oder einem anderen Ziel werden wir Ihnen helfen, einen Versandpartner.
Sie haben verschiedene Optionen für die gemeinsame Nutzung
- 40ft Container
- 2 große Fahrzeuge
- 1 großes Fahrzeug und mehrere Motorräder
- 20ft Container (mehrere Motorräder)
- Flat Rack (2 große Fahrzeuge)
Aktuelle Anteile an offenen Behältern
Wenn Sie möchten, dass wir Sie zusammenbringen, schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail mit den folgenden Angaben:
- Ihre Angebots-ID
- Versanddatum
- Zitat von unten, das Sie mit anderen teilen möchten
- Wir werden dann prüfen, ob der andere Versender bereit ist, weiterzumachen und Sie einbuchen!
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
21.03.2025 | Germany | Egypt | Q68975 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.1 | |
21.03.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q69455 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
21.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q69505 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68513 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68511 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q59430 | Expedition Truck | 4.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
25.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q66437 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.9 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68858 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.03.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q69194 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
26.03.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69161 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
27.03.2025 | United States | Other | Q62601 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q67278 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q69458 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.03.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65383 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
28.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68016 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.03.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q68811 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
28.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69142 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.03.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59708 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67408 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68077 | Boat | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68452 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.03.2025 | Chile | United Kingdom | Q69206 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.2 | Yes - Asked to share | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q49580 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Canada | Q54751 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
31.03.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59440 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Kenya | Q60433 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEastAfrica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Namibia | Netherlands | Q60532 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q60685 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q67240 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Ecuador | Q67406 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68122 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68488 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q68490 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68787 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Uruguay | France | Q68993 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q69235 | Other | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q69469 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 1.1 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69496 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q53641 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q57005 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q57028 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q57881 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.3 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q59879 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | Q67039 | 2.6 |
01.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61394 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q61702 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q62088 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q63603 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q64886 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65136 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q68353 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68427 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Other | Q68507 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaOther | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.04.2025 | New Zealand | Australia | Q68741 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69228 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
02.04.2025 | Chile | Australia | Q67756 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Booking Requested | WestSouthAmericaOther | 2.3 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67805 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q68090 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68089 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68459 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 0.7 | |
02.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q69361 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61905 | Motorcycle | 10.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
03.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q65119 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q66987/Q67610 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q67610 | 2.3 |
03.04.2025 | Colombia | Netherlands | Q67610/Q66987 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66987 | 2.4 |
03.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67683 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67685 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67715 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q62655 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.04.2025 | Panama | France | Q69101 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q69220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68764 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q65972 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.8 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q66358 | 2.6 |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q66358 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q65972 | 2.4 |
06.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69444 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63318 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
08.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q64577 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q61884 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q67583 | 2.5 |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q67583 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Ready to book | Clearing Outgoing | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q61884 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q61240 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66601 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66914 | 2.5 |
10.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66914 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Arranged/Booked | Booking confirmed - Container Share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66601 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68589 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
11.04.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Kenya | Q66450 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastEastAfrica | 2.6 | |
11.04.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68876 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
12.04.2025 | Canada | Colombia | Q67100 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
14.04.2025 | Switzerland | Argentina | Q54150 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
14.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65263 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
14.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q66479 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69234 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
15.04.2025 | Panama | Chile | Q63929 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q67826 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | Europe du NordAmérique du Nord | 2.3 | |
15.04.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q68746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
16.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
16.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q57129 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q57152 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q57245 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q61140 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q61440 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61516 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.04.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67764 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67299 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q68960 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
18.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q69159 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
18.04.2025 | Namibia | United Kingdom | Q69460 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
19.04.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65968 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
20.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q63488 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
20.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66897 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
21.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68903 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Booking Requested | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
23.04.2025 | Mexico | Colombia | Q66143 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68734 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
24.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
24.04.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67209 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69510 | Other | 8.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
27.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68175 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.04.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q69350 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 0.8 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
30.04.2025 | France | United States | Q51710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62475 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q69392 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.05.2025 | France | United States | Q48249 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q57042 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q57061 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60172 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60528 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60530 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Switzerland | United States | Q61045 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q61335 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q62052 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Colombia | Q62177 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Asked to share | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q62969 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63772 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q64171 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q64335 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q66009 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q66264 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.05.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q66926 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q67463 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q67658 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66007 | 2.5 |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67804 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q68044 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68315 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.05.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Spain | Q69304 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69422 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q69517 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
02.05.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67923 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
03.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60069 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
04.05.2025 | India | Other | Q58483 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63752 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q68243 | 2.5 |
05.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q68263 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68243 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Container share | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q63752 | 2.2 |
06.05.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q68461 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.05.2025 | Uruguay | Canada | Q67732 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Kenya | Q56543 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68790 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
08.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q69242 | Van (commercial) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q65408 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68572 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
10.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q57367 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68398 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68957 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
12.05.2025 | Canada | France | Q62439 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | Amérique du NordEurope du Nord | 1.4 | |
14.05.2025 | France | Colombia | Q57564 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66096 | Trailer | 7.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q51118 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | United States | Spain | Q62904 | Trailer | 2.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Namibia | Germany | Q63730 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q64559 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q64981 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Belgium | Q65411 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | United Kingdom | Q65759 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Arranged/Booked | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68085 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.05.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68919 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
16.05.2025 | South Africa | Italy | Q66507 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
18.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68996 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64864 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q67484 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q69417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
20.05.2025 | Panama | Ecuador | Q65382 | Expedition Truck | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69379 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
26.05.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60260 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q60719 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
26.05.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q62565 | 4x4 | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64253 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | Germany | Kenya | Q67229 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q67231 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.8 | |
28.05.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67773 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
28.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69448 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
29.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68651 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q69222 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.05.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q69430 | Truck (commercial) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q59001 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59798 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q65820 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q58451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q59582 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q61944 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62054 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62749 | Van (commercial) | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | United States | Other | Q64787 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 2.6 | |
01.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65498 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Booking form received | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q66467 | 2.6 |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q66868 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Other | Q67645 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q67733 | Other | 7.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68145 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68492 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69164 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | Q66479 | 2.5 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q58465 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
02.06.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q58597 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.9 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Greece | Q59606 | Expedition Truck | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66467 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes - To Allocate | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q65498 | 2.2 |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Cyprus | Q68801 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Rate Requested (carrier) | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.7 | |
04.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q52065 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.5 | |
04.06.2025 | France | Australia | Q59474 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q53926 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.2 | |
05.06.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q59427 | Motorcycle | 9.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.1 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q59595 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q66452 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Rate Requested (carrier) | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Poland | Canada | Q57527 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q65670 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66678 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q68762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69062 | Van (commercial) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
08.06.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63544 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.06.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q65901 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
09.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67187 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.06.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q59596 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q67937 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Switzerland | Q68715 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q62822 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
11.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67635 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
12.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q67654 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q67827 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.06.2025 | Panama | United Kingdom | Q65504 HAZ | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.06.2025 | India | Other | Q65957 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.4 | |
15.06.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q67611 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.5 | |
16.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66805 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64978 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66648 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q69445 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
20.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68138 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.06.2025 | Uruguay | Panama | Q68386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
21.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
22.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68309 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
23.06.2025 | Canada | France | Q64174 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
23.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68977 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59878 | 4x4 | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
24.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q59892 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Germany | Q69468 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
25.06.2025 | United States | Namibia | Q55024 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
25.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q65240 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
25.06.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q65694 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
26.06.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60738 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q68264 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Chile | United States | Q69325 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.06.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67346 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
29.06.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q61947 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
30.06.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68189 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.06.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68502 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q57798 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q58115 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60533 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q62876 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q65553 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66618 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67887 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68060 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | Morocco | Q68514 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeWestAfrica | 1.0 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69405 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 0.2 | |
01.07.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q69454 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
03.07.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q65742 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
03.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
04.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62509 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Italy | Q67745 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.9 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q60715 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q69370 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q67203 | 4x4 | 3.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
07.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68162 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
07.07.2025 | Chile | France | Q69102 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q69492 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
09.07.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60357 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q59993 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q60436 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62328 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62423 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68352 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
10.07.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q68656 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
17.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64119 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.2 | |
18.07.2025 | Chile | Panama | Q68387 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | WestSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.07.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q68886 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.07.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q69141 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
19.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q68846 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
20.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q61466 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
21.07.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q61247 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.07.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q69280 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
23.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q60556 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
25.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q53070 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
25.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q55923 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
26.07.2025 | France | Uruguay | Q60097 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
28.07.2025 | Germany | United Kingdom | Q61723 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
29.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66354 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
29.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68157 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 2.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.07.2025 | France | Namibia | Q56768 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
30.07.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q59455 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.07.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68978 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Netherlands | Q63782 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q63784 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q55919 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Australia | Q57301 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Canada | France | Q60410 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.08.2025 | France | Canada | Q60605 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | New Zealand | Chile | Q60878 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaWestSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | New Zealand | Q63759 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65954 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66062 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | New Zealand | Q66229 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | Rate Provided to client | OceaniaOceania | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66245 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q66311 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66296 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66471 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q67059 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67935 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68110 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q68341 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68339 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68441 | Van (commercial) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68649 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | Other | Q69329 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaOther | 2.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q69404 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
02.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68791 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
02.08.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Germany | Q69322 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
04.08.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q65257 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67313 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q68298 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.2 | |
05.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q53550 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q62258 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q53137 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67182 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
07.08.2025 | Malaysia | Other | Q52632 | Expedition Truck | 5.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | AsiaOther | 1.9 | |
07.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66944 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q64760 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68299 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
09.08.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q69219 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.08.2025 | Uruguay | Spain | Q66133 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
11.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q69503 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 2.2 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q63219 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q64434 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | Argentina | Panama | Q66323 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q67403 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | United Kingdom | Q69193 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q63790 | Other | 8.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
15.08.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65608 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q65645 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q66343 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66522 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q66622 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q67220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
17.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68815 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67009 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | France | Q61373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68018 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68292 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q68887 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
22.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68279 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q63701 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
27.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66778 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q64521 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65654 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
29.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66844 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q57184 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
30.08.2025 | Kenya | Italy | Q69336 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaEuropeMed | 2.2 | |
31.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q54281 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q56912 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q49823 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q52127 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 0.9 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Australia | Q53242 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaOceania | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q53243 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q57373 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Other | Germany | Q58109 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q59552 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Kenya | Spain | Q60396 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q60397 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q61766 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q62218 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Australia | United States | Q62280 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q63171 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64349 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64482 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64595 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q65764 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q66924 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q66940 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66999 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q67320 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Panama | Q67541 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67843 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Argentina | France | Q68005 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Mexico | Argentina | Q68048 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q68445 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q68641 | Other | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q68642 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68717 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68713 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Other | Q69508 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
03.09.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q68816 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
04.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q59308 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
07.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q63434 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67932 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.09.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67922 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q65788 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.4 | |
10.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66511 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
12.09.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66628 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.09.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q57002 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q62768 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67980 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q66423 | 2.5 |
16.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61537 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60466 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
17.09.2025 | Panama | Argentina | Q67130 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.7 | |
19.09.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q58901 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64463 | Van (commercial) | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60467 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
24.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Namibia | Q63266 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
25.09.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q68602 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | Netherlands | Panama | Q44812 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61511 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
27.09.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q61997 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
27.09.2025 | Canada | Ecuador | Q64078 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
28.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67739 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
30.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q63024 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.10.2025 | France | New Zealand | Q48045 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.5 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56892 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56896 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q61492 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q61699 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61956 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q64749 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q65051 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q65286 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q68803 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.10.2025 | United States | Peru | Q69074 | Boat | 2.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
02.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q59046 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 1.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
02.10.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67548 | Trailer | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
03.10.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q67385 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
05.10.2025 | Netherlands | India | Q67905 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeIndia | 2.1 | |
06.10.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65322 | Van (commercial) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
06.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q66246 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68204 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
07.10.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63297 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
07.10.2025 | Netherlands | Argentina | Q67389 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.10.2025 | United States | Spain | Q67880 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
10.10.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q68826 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.5 | |
12.10.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q43475 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
12.10.2025 | Colombia | Portugal | Q43476 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
13.10.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65952 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.6 | |
13.10.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68776 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.10.2025 | Uruguay | Poland | Q61959 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
14.10.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q65852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.6 | |
15.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q55251 | Van (commercial) | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.10.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q66423 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q67980 | 2.4 |
16.10.2025 | Spain | United States | Q59597 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q64124 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65614 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
16.10.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q67746 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q60059 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66196 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67387 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
22.10.2025 | Germany | Other | Q65131 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.5 | |
27.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65886 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
28.10.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63977 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q61954 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q64417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.10.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67537 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | France | Colombia | Q60351 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q61072 | 4x4 | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64727 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q64731 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65376 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66318 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.11.2025 | Canada | France | Q66362 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | New Zealand | Q67793 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 2.2 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | Australia | Q68047 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Australia | United States | Q68226 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
03.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q67676 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
06.11.2025 | France | Australia | Q53606 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
10.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69076 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
12.11.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q64884 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.11.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q67991 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
13.11.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q66152 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69065 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.11.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67280 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68314 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
22.11.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q64151 | Other | 9.6 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
29.11.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q53211 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
30.11.2025 | Switzerland | Panama | Q56745 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Poland | Q64378 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66439 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.12.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q54779 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.12.2025 | Australia | Netherlands | Q61386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes - Interested | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.12.2025 | India | Germany | Q65138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67151 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q68756 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69025 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
08.12.2025 | India | Poland | Q65350 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.12.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q66529 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.12.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q65984 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64774 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
13.12.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q64939 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.12.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
15.12.2025 | Belgium | New Zealand | Q67254 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Mexico | Uruguay | Q67555 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Panama | Uruguay | Q67557 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65747 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
23.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q44862 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
27.12.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q65915 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
27.12.2025 | Chile | Canada | Q65917 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q52073 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.01.2026 | Germany | United States | Q61668 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
02.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q65988 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.01.2026 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68622 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.01.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q63111 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q69011 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.01.2026 | Germany | Colombia | Q68727 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.01.2026 | United States | Uruguay | Q53760 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q52913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.02.2026 | India | Other | Q68638 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.02.2026 | Australia | United States | Q53607 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
05.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q67718 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.02.2026 | Panama | France | Q63048 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.02.2026 | United States | United Kingdom | Q54484 | Trailer | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.02.2026 | New Zealand | Australia | Q66694 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q65278 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65639 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.03.2026 | Australia | United Kingdom | Q68344 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
02.03.2026 | Belgium | United States | Q66762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
20.03.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61967 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68188 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q68228 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.04.2026 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
05.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q66992 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
06.04.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61301 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
09.04.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q66105 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
20.04.2026 | Panama | Colombia | Q67274 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | To Book - Interested | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
20.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68655 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
26.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q65567 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 0.7 | |
30.04.2026 | United States | Germany | Q65377 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
30.04.2026 | Uruguay | Portugal | Q68792 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.05.2026 | Netherlands | United States | Q64730 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.05.2026 | South Africa | Belgium | Q67820 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
05.05.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q69311 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
05.05.2026 | Argentina | Other | Q69491 | 4x4 | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
11.05.2026 | Germany | South Africa | Q65545 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
12.05.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q48202 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
02.06.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q63190 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
11.06.2026 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66881 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.07.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q58826 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.4 | |
04.07.2026 | United States | Colombia | Q50341 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.07.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q66724 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
12.07.2026 | Germany | United States | Q64500 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Australia | Q64722 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67539 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
04.09.2026 | Belgium | South Africa | Q58593 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
23.09.2026 | Argentina | Germany | Q62797 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.10.2026 | France | Colombia | Q45957 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
03.10.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q42729 | 4x4 | 4.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.11.2026 | Kenya | Oman | Q66878 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
11.11.2026 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64913 | Other | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
12.11.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q66932 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
13.11.2026 | Kenya | Belgium | Q66880 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.11.2026 | Colombia | Belgium | Q52777 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
17.11.2026 | South Africa | United States | Q66530 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q64776 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.5 | |
01.07.2027 | Germany | United States | Q60682 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.08.2027 | Belgium | Other | Q61470 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
30.09.2027 | India | Other | Q67202 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 2.6 | |
01.01.2028 | United Kingdom | United States | Q56024 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
16.03.2028 | Germany | Other | Q66861 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
Container Versandprozess
- Stuffing – Der Container wird normalerweise in einem Lagerhaus außerhalb des Hafens beladen. Alles, was in den Container geladen wird, wird festgezurrt und gesichert, egal ob es sich um ein Auto, einen Geländewagen, ein Wohnmobil oder ein Motorrad handelt.
- Zollabfertigung – Je nach Hafen und Exportmethode (TIP, Carnet usw.) wird die Sendung während des Prozesses mit dem Zoll abgewickelt. Dies kann eine physische Inspektion erfordern.
- Rangieren – Der Container wird vom Lager / der Verladeanlage zum Hafen rangiert.
- Verladung auf das Transportunternehmen – Ihr Container wird auf das Schiff verladen und ist bereit für die Reise zum Zielort.
- Ausschiffung vom Frachtführer – Ihr Container wird vom Schiff entladen und im Hafen gelagert.
- Zahlung der lokalen Hafengebühren (THC) & Abgaben – Die lokalen Hafengebühren müssen bezahlt werden – manchmal können Sie diese direkt oder über Ihren Agenten bezahlen.
- Zollabfertigung – Je nach Hafen und Exportmethode (TIP, Carnet usw.) wird die Sendung während des Prozesses mit dem Zoll abgewickelt. Dies kann eine physische Inspektion erfordern.
- Rangieren – Der Container wird vom Hafen zu einem Lager oder einer Verladeeinrichtung rangiert.
- Entladen – Der Container wird vollständig entladen und leer zum Hafen zurückgebracht. Ihr Fahrzeug wird fahrbereit sein, vorausgesetzt, Sie erfüllen die lokalen Anforderungen, um das Fahrzeug legal zu fahren.
* Anmerkungen
- Für einige Länder ist es vorteilhaft, das Carnet mit unserem Vertreter zu haben, bevor der Behälter ankommt, damit Sie arbeiten an der Reinigung Ihres Fahrzeugs sofort beginnen können.
Container Schifffahrt
Wie wird der Container Versandpreis calcuated?
Der Versandpreis basiert auf einer Reihe von Faktoren. Erstens die Seefracht, die von der Strecke und Größe des Containers abhängig ist, dh 20 "oder 40" HQ.
Zusätzlich zur Seefracht müssen Sie zusätzliche Gebühren in Bezug auf die Seefracht Bunker Anpassung (BAF) und den schwefelarmen Treibstoffzuschlag (LSF) zahlen.
Andere Gebühren, die für die Ausfuhr und den Import der Sendung berechnet werden können, sind Sicherheitsgebühren, Gate-Gebühren, Dokument Gebühren, Terminal-Handling-Gebühren (THC), Füll-und Verzollungsgebühren.
Je nachdem, wo der Container beladen und entladen wird, können auch Transportgebühren berechnet werden.
Alle Gebühren variieren je nachdem, welche Träger und Port verwendet wird.
Kann ich anwesend sein, während der Container geladen wird?
Es hängt wirklich von der Hafen, die Lage der Ladeaktivitäten und lokalen Regeln und Vorschriften. Wenn die Beladung in einem privaten Hof oder Lager durchgeführt wird, dann sind Sie in der Lage, während der Belastung anwesend zu sein.
Wird die Beladung im Hafen oder an einem sicheren Ort durchgeführt, ist dies möglicherweise nicht immer möglich.
Wenn Sie eine Angebotsanfrage ausfüllen, teilen Sie uns bitte mit, dass Sie während des Ladens anwesend sein möchten.
Sicherheit: ist mein Fahrzeug sicher?
Die Containerschifffahrt ist die sicherste Art des Seetransports, da die Ware im Container vor dem Versand versiegelt wird.
Im Allgemeinen haben die meisten Leute keine Probleme mit Gegenständen, die gestohlen werden, oder Beschädigung während des Container Versands.
Allerdings besteht immer noch die Gefahr, dass das Schiff auf den Boden läuft, der Container vom Schiff fällt, der Container fallen gelassen oder während des Ladens usw. geklopft wird.
Es besteht die Gefahr des Diebstahls, in der Regel ist dies an den Punkten der Be-und entladen, können Sie dieses Risiko zu reduzieren, indem Sie sicher, dass Sie anwesend sind beim Be-und entladen.
Sie können auch Marine Versicherung kaufen, um Ihre waren während des Transports zu bedecken.
Was sind die Container Größen & Abmessungen?
Die am häufigsten verwendeten Behältergrößen sind 20 ", 40" und 40 "HQ.
Im folgenden sind die Abmessungen der am häufigsten verwendeten Container:
Container |
Innere Abmessungen |
Türöffnung |
Größe/Typ | Breite | Höhe | Breite | Höhe |
(m) | (m) | (m) | (m) | |
20′ Trockenfracht | 2.35 | 2.385 | 2.34 | 2.274 |
40′ Trockenfracht | 2.347 | 2.349 | 2.343 | 2.278 |
40′ Hoher Würfel | 2.347 | 2.684 | 2.343 | 2.584 |
Kann ich einen Container teilen und Kosten sparen?
Ja, viele Leute teilen die Container, um Kosten zu sparen. Mehr als 50% der Kosten der Containerschifffahrt sind Hafengebühren, Zoll und Transport, diese nicht deutlich erhöhen, wenn mit einem 40 "Container mit zwei Fahrzeugen vs ein 20"-Container mit einem Fahrzeug.
Dadurch reduzieren Sie die Kosten erheblich, indem Sie einen Container gemeinsam nutzen.
Wo es möglich ist, helfen wir Ihnen, andere Reisende zu finden, um einen Container zu teilen.
Basic Shipping (nur RoRo)
Dieser Service umfasst:
- Seefracht Buchung RoRo
- Kosten für ausgehende THC
- Option für die Schiffsversicherung
Dieser Service beinhaltet nicht:
- Ernennung eines Vertreters am Abgangsort (manchmal vor Ort bezahlt)
- Outgoing-Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ausgehende Transporte, Füllungen, Verpackung und Peitschen, falls zutreffend
- Ernennung eines Agenten am Zielort (bezahlt vor Ort)
- Eingehende Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ankommender Transport und Auspacken, falls zutreffend
- Angaben zu den Kosten am Zielort
- Unterstützung während des gesamten Prozesses
Export-und Auslieferungs-/Clearing
Es ist für diejenigen, die eine All-in-Rate und Unterstützung für den Export Ihres Fahrzeugs wollen, aber die wollen, um Ihre eigenen Agenten am Bestimmungsort zu ernennen.
Dieser Service umfasst:
- Seefracht Buchung (RoRo & Container)
- Kosten für ausgehende THC
- Ernennung eines Vertreters am Abgangsort (manchmal vor Ort bezahlt)
- Outgoing-Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ausgehende Transporte, Füllungen, Verpackung und Peitschen, falls zutreffend
- Option für die Schiffsversicherung
- Unterstützung für den Export Ihres Fahrzeugs
Der Dienst umfasst nicht:
- Ernennung eines Agenten am Zielort
- Eingehende Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ankommender Transport und Auspacken, falls zutreffend
- Angaben zu den Kosten am Zielort
- Unterstützung für den Import Ihres Fahrzeugs
Alle in-Shipping ausgehende/eingehende Füllung/Clearing
Dieser Service ist für diejenigen, die den gesamten Prozess für Sie behandelt wollen und wird durchgehend unterstützt.
Dieser Service umfasst:
- Seefracht Buchung (RoRo & Container)
- Kosten für ausgehende THC
- Ernennung eines Vertreters am Abgangsort (manchmal vor Ort bezahlt)
- Outgoing-Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ausgehende Transporte, Füllungen, Verpackung und Peitschen, falls zutreffend
- Option für die Schiffsversicherung
- Ernennung eines Agenten am Zielort (bezahlt vor Ort)
- Eingehende Zollabfertigung & Papierkram
- Ankommender Transport und Auspacken, falls zutreffend
- Angaben zu den Kosten am Zielort
- Unterstützung während des gesamten Prozesses
Wann muss ich die Zahlung leisten?
Wir bitten in der Regel um die Zahlung der Versandkosten vor dem Versand. (Seefracht, Hafengebühren, Dokumente und etwaige Verzollungsgebühren). Manchmal sind lokale ausgehende Port Gebühren bei der Abfahrt zahlbar, dies hängt vom Hafen und vom Versender ab.
Ihre Importkosten, THC, Agent und Verzollung werden von uns bei der Ankunft in Rechnung gestellt oder vor Ort bezahlt.
Sobald Ihre Buchung bestätigt wurde, werden wir Ihnen die Zahlungsanweisungen zur Verfügung stellen und bestätigen, wie und wann die Gebühren zu zahlen sind.
* Hinweis Das Original BL und Cargo wird erst freigegeben, wenn alle Gebühren bezahlt sind.
Wie kann ich bezahlen?
Ausgehende Gebühren können in Britischen Pfund (£), US Dollar ($) und Euro (€) überwiesen werden. Wir halten Konten in allen drei Währungen, um die Kosten des Umgangs mit mehreren Währungen zu reduzieren.
In einigen Fällen können wir Sie bitten, Zahlungen vor Ort zu machen.
Die Einfuhrgebühren werden in der Regel vor Ort gezahlt und umfassen THC, Zollgebühren und ggf. Gebühren von Agenten.
Detaillierte Zahlungsanweisungen werden mit Ihrer Buchungsbestätigung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Sind die Preise/Tarife festgelegt?
Die Versandkosten können bis zum Ausgangspunkt variieren. Normalerweise Verlader wird Fix Preise rund 30 Tage vor der Abfahrt, aber es ist abhängig von der Versender. Darüber hinaus kann der Versandpreis zitiert werden oder in einer anderen Währung zu verkaufen, so kann es Wechselkurs Schwankungen.
Etwaige Schwankungen der Wechselkurse & Wechselspesen werden vom Kunden getragen.
Autotransport und internationaler Fahrzeugtransport
Container Fahrzeugversand
Suchen Sie nach zuverlässigen Container-Autotransportdiensten von Hafen zu Hafen? Unser Unternehmen bietet sowohl Full Container Load (FCL) als auch Shared-Container-Optionen für den Transport von Autos, 4x4s und Motorrädern an. Holen Sie sich noch heute ein unverbindliches Angebot für Ihren Containertransport ein!
Roll on Roll off (RoRo)
Roll on Roll off (RORO / Ro Ro) Fahrzeugtransportdienste bieten in der Regel kostengünstigere Transportoptionen als der Containertransport. Erhalten Sie ein sofortiges Angebot für RORO-Verschiffungstarife für Autos, 4x4's, Wohnmobile & LKWs und finden Sie RORO-Verschiffungshäfen in Ihrer Nähe. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für erschwingliche und zuverlässige RORO-Verschiffungsdienste.
Fahrzeug Verzollung
Wir bieten zuverlässige Zollabfertigungsdienste für Autos und Fahrzeuge im Vereinigten Königreich an und arbeiten mit renommierten Agenten in anderen Regionen zusammen, um eine problemlose Abfertigung Ihres Fahrzeugs zu gewährleisten. Unser Fachwissen deckt eine Reihe von Zollanforderungen ab, einschließlich der vorübergehenden Einfuhr zu touristischen Zwecken, der dauerhaften Einfuhr und der Abfertigung von historischen, klassischen und Sammlerfahrzeugen.
Warum Autos mit uns verschiffen?
Wettbewerbsfähige Preise
Wir bieten faire und angemessene Preise für unsere Dienstleistungen und verhandeln Preise mit unseren Partnern, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Preis zu bieten.
Wenn Sie bereits ein Angebot haben, werden wir unser Bestes tun, um ein gültiges Angebot abzugleichen oder zu schlagen.
Unübertroffene Expertise
Wir verfügen über das wissen, die Informationen und die Kontakte, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Fahrzeug sicher ans Ziel gelangt. Wir beraten Sie bei permanenten und temporären Import-Anforderungen, Carnet-Anforderungen, lokalen Gesetzen und Gepflogenheiten, Versicherungsanbietern und lokalen Agenten & Partnern.
Persönlicher Service
Wir spezialisieren uns auf den Transport von Fahrzeugen, ob für Touren Zwecke, Expeditionen oder für Unternehmen.
Jede Sendung wird gleichermaßen unabhängig von der Größe behandelt.
Vertrauenswürdige Agents
Wir verwenden nur bekannte/vertrauenswürdige Agenten, um Ihr Fahrzeug zu löschen. Dies hilft, unerwartete Kosten und Komplikationen zu vermeiden.
Wir glauben, dass Kommunikation von größter Wichtigkeit ist. Während des Versandprozesses werden wir Sie auf jedem Schritt auf dem laufenden halten.
Wir verstehen Ihre Bedürfnisse
Wir haben unser eigenes Fahrzeug an vielen Orten auf der ganzen Welt ausgeliefert und verstehen Ihre Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen als Kunde.
Erhalten Sie ein unverbindliches Angebot heute
Wo wir versenden
Kontakt/Follow US
Wir arbeiten im Vereinigten Königreich von Montag bis Freitag von 9 bis 17 Uhr (Zeitzone Vereinigtes Königreich) An Feiertagen und Wochenenden geschlossen
UK : +44 (0) 203 787 4201
US : +1 917-781-4536
E : [email protected]
© 2025 International Vehicle Shipping Services Limited - Alle Rechte vorbehalten