Verschiffen Sie Ihr Auto, Wohnmobil, 4x4, LKW nach Kolumbien Schnelles AngebotSchifffahrt über die Darien GAP Panama nach Kolumbien
Die größte Herausforderung für viele Reisende ist die erste Schifffahrtserfahrung über den Darien Gap, die Verschiffung von und nach Panama nach Kolumbien. Sie können bei uns sicher sein, der Prozess wird stressfrei, einfach und schlicht Segeln.
Sie haben verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Ihr Auto, 4×4, Motorrad, LKW oder Wohnmobil über den Darien Gap zu transportieren (beachten Sie, dass es derzeit keinen Passagierfährdienst gibt, der vor einigen Jahren eingestellt wurde):
- RoRo Shipping (alle Fahrzeugtypen)
- Containerschifffahrt (Begrenzt auf 2,58 m Türöffnung für einen 40-Fuß-HC-Container)
Flach Regal - Privates Segelboot (nur Motorräder)
Schifffahrtsrouten Panama nach Kolumbien
Die wichtigste Schifffahrtsroute ist zwischen den Häfen auf der Karibikseite von Panama nach Cartagena Kolumbien, einige Schiffe rufen auch in Santa Marta & Barranquilla.
RoRo-Versand von Panama nach Kolumbien
RoRo ist die beste und billigste Option für überdimensionale Fahrzeuge, die nicht in einen Container passen können. Die Alternative ist, flaches Regal zu gehen. Bei kleineren Fahrzeugen sind die Kosten für RoRo und das Teilen eines Containers vergleichbar.
Der RoRo-Versand ist weniger kompliziert als die Containerschifffahrt, da es keine Anforderung gibt, den Container zum und vom Hafen zu stopfen und zu wagen.
RoRo Security
RoRo stellt jedoch ein höheres Sicherheitsrisiko dar, da die Mitarbeiter der Reederei Zugang zu Ihrem Fahrzeug haben. Die meisten Reisenden sorgen heutzutage dafür, dass Ihr Fahrzeug so gesichert ist, dass der hintere Teil in keiner Weise zugänglich ist, viele tun dies, indem Sie eine innere Barriere schaffen und sicherstellen, dass keine Türen geöffnet werden können.
Carrier, Routen und Kosten
Es gibt mehrere RoRo-Träger, die von Panama nach Cartagena und Santa Marta in Kolumbien fahren. Die Preise zwischen den einzelnen Beförderungsunternehmen können zusätzlich zur Durchlaufzeit erheblich schwanken.
Die Transit Zeiten können von einem einzigen Tag (schnelles Schiff) bis zu 14 Tagen (langsames Schiff über die USA), je nach Träger, betragen.
Container Schifffahrt von Panama nach Kolumbien
Die Containerverschiffung von Container Manzanillo Panama nach Kolumbien ist die sicherste Methode, vorausgesetzt, Sie sind beim Beladen, Verschließen und Entladen des Containers anwesend. Unsere Agenten vor Ort werden bei der Verladung Ihres Fahrzeugs in den Container in Cartagena anwesend sein.
Sie haben die Möglichkeit, in 20ft-Containern oder 40ft High Cube (HC) Containern zu versenden. In einem 20ft-Container wäre man in der Regel nur in der Lage, ein Fahrzeug zu montieren, 40ft HC kann man 2 Fahrzeuge, oder ein Fahrzeug und eine Reihe von Motorrädern passen.
Die Kosten eines einzelnen Containers für ein Fahrzeug übersteigen die Kosten der RORO-Verschiffung, bei gemeinsamer Nutzung eines Containers werden die Kosten jedoch vergleichbar.
Container Abmessungen
20ft – L5.9m B2.34 Türhöhe 2.28m (Nutzbar L5.4m, B2.2)
40ft HC – L12.03m B2.34 Türhöhe 2.58m (Nutzbar L11.5m, B2.2)
Geschätzte Kosten (nur ein Beispiel)
Container Typ Shared 20ft 40ft
Ausfuhr $1.150 $1.650 $2.200
Einfuhr $750 $950 $1.500
*Gemeinschaftscontainer, die Preise basieren auf 1 x Fahrzeug, das sich einen 40ft teilt, 20ft Preise basieren auf 1 x Fahrzeug, 40ft Preise basieren auf 2 x Fahrzeug, zusätzliche Fahrräder oder Fahrzeuge sind zusätzliche Kosten
*Der Preis umfasst alle Export- und Importkosten, nicht aber Versicherungen, Steuern und Abgaben oder Kosten für zusätzliche Zollkontrollen.
*Alle Kosten können sich ändern und müssen bei der Buchung bestätigt werden.
Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Suche nach einem Versandpartner / Container Buddy
Containeranteil von Panama nach Kolumbien
Wenn Sie möchten, dass wir Sie einbezahlen, schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail mit den folgenden Angaben:
- Ihre Angebots-ID
- Versanddatum
- Zitat von unten, das Sie mit anderen teilen möchten
- Wir werden dann prüfen, ob der andere Versender bereit ist, weiterzumachen und Sie einbuchen!
Tragen Sie Ihre Sendung hier in unsere Container-Share-Liste ein
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
20.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67189 | 4x4 | 9.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
20.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67966 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
20.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68020 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68346 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
21.03.2025 | Germany | Egypt | Q68975 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.1 | |
21.03.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q69455 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68513 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
22.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68511 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q59430 | Expedition Truck | 4.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
25.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q66437 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.9 | |
25.03.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68858 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.03.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q69194 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
26.03.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69161 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
27.03.2025 | United States | Other | Q62601 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q67278 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
27.03.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q69458 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.03.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65383 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
28.03.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q68016 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.03.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q68811 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
28.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69142 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.03.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59708 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67408 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.03.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68077 | Boat | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
30.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68452 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.03.2025 | Chile | United Kingdom | Q69206 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.2 | Yes - Asked to share | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | United States | Q49580 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Canada | Q54751 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
31.03.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59440 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Other | Kenya | Q60433 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEastAfrica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Namibia | Netherlands | Q60532 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q60685 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q67240 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
31.03.2025 | United States | Ecuador | Q67406 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68122 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68488 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q68490 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68787 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Uruguay | France | Q68993 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
31.03.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q69235 | Other | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.0 | |
31.03.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q69361 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.03.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q69422 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q53641 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q57005 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q57028 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q57881 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.3 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q59879 | 4x4 | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | Q67039 | 2.6 |
01.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61394 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q61702 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q62088 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q64886 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65136 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q67618 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q68353 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.04.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q68427 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.04.2025 | South Africa | Other | Q68507 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaOther | 2.4 | |
01.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.04.2025 | New Zealand | Australia | Q68741 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69228 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
02.04.2025 | Chile | Australia | Q67756 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | Booking Requested | WestSouthAmericaOther | 2.3 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67805 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q68090 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68089 | Motorcycle | 9.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
02.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68459 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 0.7 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61905 | Motorcycle | 10.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
03.04.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q65119 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
03.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67683 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67685 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
03.04.2025 | United States | Other | Q67715 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q62655 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.04.2025 | Panama | France | Q69101 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
04.04.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q69220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68764 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q65972 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.8 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q66358 | 2.6 |
06.04.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q66358 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Arranged/Booked | Clearing Outgoing | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | Q65972 | 2.4 |
06.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69444 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.04.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63318 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
08.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q64577 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q61884 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes - Ready to book | Booking confirmed | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q67583 | 2.5 |
09.04.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q67583 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Ready to book | Booking confirmed | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | Q61884 | 2.3 |
10.04.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q61240 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
10.04.2025 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68589 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
11.04.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Kenya | Q66450 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastEastAfrica | 2.6 | |
11.04.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68876 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
12.04.2025 | Canada | Colombia | Q67100 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
14.04.2025 | Switzerland | Argentina | Q54150 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
14.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65263 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
14.04.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69234 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
15.04.2025 | Panama | Chile | Q63929 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | Follow up | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q67826 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | Europe du NordAmérique du Nord | 2.3 | |
15.04.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q68746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
16.04.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
16.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q57129 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q57152 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q57245 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
17.04.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q61140 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
17.04.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q61440 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.04.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61516 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.04.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67764 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q67299 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.04.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q68960 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
18.04.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q69159 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
18.04.2025 | Namibia | United Kingdom | Q69460 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
19.04.2025 | Chile | Germany | Q65968 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
20.04.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q63488 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
20.04.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66897 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
21.04.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q68903 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Booking Requested | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
23.04.2025 | Mexico | Colombia | Q66143 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68718 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.04.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68734 | 4x4 | 1.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
24.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
24.04.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67209 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
27.04.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68175 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.04.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q69350 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 0.8 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
30.04.2025 | France | United States | Q51710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
30.04.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62475 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 7.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.04.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q69392 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.05.2025 | France | United States | Q48249 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q57042 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q57061 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60172 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60528 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q60530 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Switzerland | United States | Q61045 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q61335 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q62052 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Colombia | Q62177 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Asked to share | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q62969 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q63772 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q64171 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.05.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q64335 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q66009 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Argentina | Namibia | Q66926 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q67463 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Colombia | Belgium | Q67658 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | Q66007 | 2.5 |
01.05.2025 | Netherlands | Uruguay | Q67804 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
01.05.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q68044 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.05.2025 | Canada | Spain | Q68315 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.05.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Spain | Q69304 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
02.05.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q67923 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Follow up | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
03.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60069 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
04.05.2025 | India | Other | Q58483 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63752 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q68243 | 2.5 |
05.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q68263 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
05.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68243 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Container share | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | Q63752 | 2.2 |
06.05.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q68461 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
07.05.2025 | Uruguay | Canada | Q67732 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Kenya | Q56543 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
08.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68790 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
08.05.2025 | United States | Belgium | Q69242 | Van (commercial) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.05.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q65408 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.05.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68572 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
10.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q57367 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.05.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q68398 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.05.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68957 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
12.05.2025 | Canada | France | Q62439 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | Amérique du NordEurope du Nord | 1.4 | |
14.05.2025 | France | Colombia | Q57564 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66096 | Trailer | 7.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q51118 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | United States | Spain | Q62904 | Trailer | 2.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Namibia | Germany | Q63730 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q64559 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q64981 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | Belgium | Q65411 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Asked to share | To Book - Hot | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.05.2025 | Uruguay | United Kingdom | Q65759 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Arranged/Booked | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68085 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.05.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68919 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
16.05.2025 | South Africa | Italy | Q66507 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthernAfricaEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
18.05.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68996 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64864 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.05.2025 | Uruguay | Germany | Q67484 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
19.05.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q69417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
20.05.2025 | Panama | Ecuador | Q65382 | Expedition Truck | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.05.2025 | United States | Germany | Q69379 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
26.05.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60260 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q60719 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
26.05.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q62565 | 4x4 | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 2.4 | |
26.05.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64253 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | Germany | Kenya | Q67229 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.8 | |
26.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Egypt | Q67231 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthAfrica | 1.8 | |
28.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q69448 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
29.05.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68651 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.05.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q69222 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.05.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q69430 | Truck (commercial) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
31.05.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q59001 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Other | Italy | Q59798 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherEuropeMed | 2.4 | |
31.05.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q65820 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q58451 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q59582 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q61944 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62054 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.2 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q62749 | Van (commercial) | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.06.2025 | United States | Other | Q64787 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOther | 2.6 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q66868 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.7 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Other | Q67645 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q67733 | Other | 7.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Hot | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68145 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
01.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68492 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.06.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q69164 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q58465 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
02.06.2025 | Canada | Australia | Q58597 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.9 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Greece | Q59606 | Expedition Truck | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 2.5 | |
02.06.2025 | Germany | Cyprus | Q68801 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Rate Requested (carrier) | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.7 | |
04.06.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q52065 | 4x4 | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.5 | |
04.06.2025 | France | Australia | Q59474 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q53926 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.2 | |
05.06.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q59427 | Motorcycle | 9.9 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.1 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q59595 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
05.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q66452 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Rate Requested (carrier) | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Poland | Canada | Q57527 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q65670 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
06.06.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q66269 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
07.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q66678 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q68762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
07.06.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q69062 | Van (commercial) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
08.06.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63544 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.06.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q65901 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
09.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67187 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.06.2025 | Argentina | Spain | Q59596 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q67937 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
10.06.2025 | United States | Switzerland | Q68715 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q62822 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
11.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67635 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.8 | |
12.06.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q67654 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
14.06.2025 | Argentina | United States | Q67827 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.06.2025 | Panama | United Kingdom | Q65504 HAZ | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | To Book - Booking form received | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
15.06.2025 | India | Other | Q65957 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.4 | |
15.06.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q67611 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.5 | |
16.06.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q63560 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
16.06.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66805 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64978 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q66648 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
19.06.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q69445 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
20.06.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q68138 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
20.06.2025 | Uruguay | Panama | Q68386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
21.06.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
22.06.2025 | United States | Chile | Q68309 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
23.06.2025 | Canada | France | Q64174 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
23.06.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68977 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
24.06.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q59878 | 4x4 | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
24.06.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q59892 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
25.06.2025 | United States | Namibia | Q55024 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
25.06.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q65240 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.8 | |
25.06.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q65694 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
26.06.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60738 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Uruguay | Switzerland | Q68264 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
27.06.2025 | Chile | United States | Q69325 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.06.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q67346 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
29.06.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q61947 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
30.06.2025 | Colombia | France | Q68189 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.06.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68502 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q57798 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q58115 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q60533 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q62876 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64709 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q65553 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66618 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Chile | United States | Q67887 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68060 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.07.2025 | Netherlands | Morocco | Q68514 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeWestAfrica | 1.0 | |
01.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69405 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 0.2 | |
01.07.2025 | Canada | Poland | Q69454 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
03.07.2025 | Colombia | Other | Q65742 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | COSouthAmericaOther | 2.4 | |
03.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
04.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q62509 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
04.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Italy | Q67745 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeEuropeMed | 1.9 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q60715 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 1.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.07.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q69370 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
07.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q67203 | 4x4 | 3.1 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
07.07.2025 | Germany | United States | Q68162 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
07.07.2025 | Chile | France | Q69102 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
09.07.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q60357 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q59993 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q60436 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62328 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q62423 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.07.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q68352 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
10.07.2025 | Canada | Netherlands | Q68656 | 4x4 | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
17.07.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64119 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.2 | |
18.07.2025 | Chile | Panama | Q68387 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | WestSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.3 | |
18.07.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q68886 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.07.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q69141 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
19.07.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q68846 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
20.07.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q61466 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
21.07.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q61247 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
22.07.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q69280 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
23.07.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q60556 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
25.07.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q53070 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.1 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
25.07.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q55923 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
26.07.2025 | France | Uruguay | Q60097 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
28.07.2025 | Germany | United Kingdom | Q61723 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
29.07.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q66354 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
29.07.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68157 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 2.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
30.07.2025 | France | Namibia | Q56768 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
30.07.2025 | Colombia | United States | Q59455 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
30.07.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68978 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Netherlands | Q63782 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.07.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q63784 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q55919 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Australia | Q57301 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Canada | France | Q60410 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
01.08.2025 | France | Canada | Q60605 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | New Zealand | Chile | Q60878 | Motorcycle | 9.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaWestSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | New Zealand | Q63759 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65954 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66062 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | New Zealand | Q66229 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | Rate Provided to client | OceaniaOceania | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66245 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Kenya | Oman | Q66311 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66296 | Van (commercial) | 6.1 | Yes - Ready to book | To Book - Container share | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66471 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q67059 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.08.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q67935 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68110 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q68341 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q68339 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68441 | Van (commercial) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68649 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q68829 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Australia | Other | Q69329 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | OceaniaOther | 2.4 | |
01.08.2025 | Netherlands | United States | Q69404 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
02.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68791 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
02.08.2025 | United Arab Emirates | Germany | Q69322 | Motorcycle | 9.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | MiddleEastNorthEurope | 1.2 | |
04.08.2025 | Belgium | South Africa | Q65257 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67313 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
04.08.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q68298 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.2 | |
05.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q53550 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q62258 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
05.08.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65203 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q53137 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 4.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
06.08.2025 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q61509 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.4 | |
06.08.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67182 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
07.08.2025 | Malaysia | Other | Q52632 | Expedition Truck | 5.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | AsiaOther | 1.9 | |
07.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66944 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q64760 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
09.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q68299 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
09.08.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q69219 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.08.2025 | Uruguay | Spain | Q66133 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | Panama | Q63219 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q64434 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
14.08.2025 | Argentina | Panama | Q66323 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
14.08.2025 | United States | Uruguay | Q67403 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.08.2025 | Colombia | United Kingdom | Q69193 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q63790 | Other | 8.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
15.08.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65608 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
15.08.2025 | Colombia | Germany | Q65645 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q66343 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66522 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.08.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q66622 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.2 | |
15.08.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q67220 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
17.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68815 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
18.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q67009 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | France | Q61373 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q68018 | 4x4 | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
20.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68292 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
20.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q68887 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
22.08.2025 | United States | Germany | Q68279 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
25.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q63701 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
27.08.2025 | Netherlands | Canada | Q66778 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q64521 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
28.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65654 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
29.08.2025 | Germany | United States | Q66844 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
30.08.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q57184 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
30.08.2025 | Kenya | Italy | Q69336 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaEuropeMed | 2.2 | |
31.08.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q54281 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
31.08.2025 | Germany | Australia | Q56912 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | France | Malaysia | Q49823 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeAsia | 2.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q52127 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 0.9 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Australia | Q53242 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaOceania | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q53243 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q57373 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Other | Germany | Q58109 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | Quote Requested | OtherNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q59552 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Kenya | Spain | Q60396 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q60397 | 4x4 | 7.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | South Africa | Germany | Q61766 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 9.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q62218 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Australia | United States | Q62280 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q63171 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64349 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q64482 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Germany | United States | Q64595 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q65764 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.09.2025 | United States | Netherlands | Q66924 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q66940 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.3 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66999 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q67320 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Panama | Q67541 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67843 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Argentina | France | Q68005 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Mexico | Argentina | Q68048 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Chile | Q68445 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q68641 | Other | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q68642 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.6 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68717 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Q68713 | 4x4 | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
03.09.2025 | Canada | Uruguay | Q68816 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
04.09.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q59308 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
07.09.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q63434 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67932 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
09.09.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67922 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Other | Q65788 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.4 | |
10.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q66511 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
12.09.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q66628 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.09.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q57002 | Motorcycle | 9.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
15.09.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q62768 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.09.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q67980 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q66423 | 2.5 |
16.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q61537 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
17.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60466 | 4x4 | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
17.09.2025 | Panama | Argentina | Q67130 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.7 | |
19.09.2025 | Colombia | Poland | Q58901 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.09.2025 | Canada | United Kingdom | Q64463 | Van (commercial) | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
23.09.2025 | Namibia | Belgium | Q60467 | 4x4 | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
24.09.2025 | United Kingdom | Namibia | Q63266 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.1 | |
25.09.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q68602 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | Netherlands | Panama | Q44812 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 2.5 | |
26.09.2025 | United States | Portugal | Q61511 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
27.09.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q61997 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
27.09.2025 | Canada | Ecuador | Q64078 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
28.09.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q67739 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
30.09.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q63024 | 4x4 | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.10.2025 | France | New Zealand | Q48045 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.5 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56892 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Australia | Germany | Q56896 | Trailer | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Colombia | Spain | Q61492 | Van (commercial) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q61699 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q61956 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 7.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | South Africa | Q64749 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Germany | Canada | Q65051 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.10.2025 | Argentina | Other | Q65286 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOther | 2.0 | |
01.10.2025 | Netherlands | Namibia | Q68803 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
01.10.2025 | United States | Peru | Q69074 | Boat | 2.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaWestSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
02.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q59046 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 1.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
02.10.2025 | United States | United Kingdom | Q67548 | Trailer | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
03.10.2025 | Germany | Argentina | Q67385 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
05.10.2025 | Netherlands | India | Q67905 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeIndia | 2.1 | |
06.10.2025 | Belgium | Australia | Q65322 | Van (commercial) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
06.10.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q66246 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.4 | |
06.10.2025 | Canada | Germany | Q68204 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
07.10.2025 | Belgium | United States | Q63297 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
07.10.2025 | Netherlands | Argentina | Q67389 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
10.10.2025 | United States | Spain | Q67880 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
10.10.2025 | Uruguay | South Africa | Q68826 | Motorcycle | 9.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaSouthernAfrica | 1.5 | |
12.10.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q43475 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
12.10.2025 | Colombia | Portugal | Q43476 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
13.10.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q65952 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.6 | |
13.10.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68776 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
14.10.2025 | Uruguay | Poland | Q61959 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
14.10.2025 | Netherlands | Kenya | Q65852 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeEastAfrica | 1.6 | |
15.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q55251 | Van (commercial) | 6.5 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.9 | |
15.10.2025 | South Africa | Uruguay | Q66423 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | Q67980 | 2.4 |
16.10.2025 | Spain | United States | Q59597 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q64124 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
16.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q65614 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
16.10.2025 | United Kingdom | South Africa | Q67746 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | To Book - Hot | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q60059 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.3 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66196 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
17.10.2025 | Germany | Colombia | Q67387 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
22.10.2025 | Germany | Other | Q65131 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.5 | |
27.10.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q65886 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
28.10.2025 | South Africa | United Kingdom | Q63977 | 4x4 | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q61954 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.3 | |
30.10.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q64417 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
31.10.2025 | Canada | Belgium | Q67537 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | France | Colombia | Q60351 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | United States | Colombia | Q61072 | 4x4 | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Belgium | Namibia | Q64727 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 1.9 | |
01.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Colombia | Q64731 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65376 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q66318 | Motorcycle | 8.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.0 | |
01.11.2025 | Canada | France | Q66362 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | New Zealand | Q67793 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 2.2 | |
01.11.2025 | Argentina | Australia | Q68047 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Quote Requested | SouthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
01.11.2025 | Australia | United States | Q68226 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.2 | |
03.11.2025 | United Kingdom | Argentina | Q67676 | Motorcycle | 9.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
06.11.2025 | France | Australia | Q53606 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.0 | |
10.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69076 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
12.11.2025 | Germany | South Africa | Q64884 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.11.2025 | Argentina | Portugal | Q67991 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 8.5 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.4 | |
13.11.2025 | United States | Argentina | Q66152 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
14.11.2025 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q69065 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
15.11.2025 | Belgium | Colombia | Q67280 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.2 | |
15.11.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q68314 | 4x4 | 5.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
22.11.2025 | Uruguay | United States | Q64151 | Other | 9.6 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 1.3 | |
29.11.2025 | Germany | Uruguay | Q53211 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 1.7 | |
30.11.2025 | Switzerland | Panama | Q56745 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCentralAmerica | 1.8 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Poland | Q64378 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
30.11.2025 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66439 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
01.12.2025 | Belgium | Canada | Q54779 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes - Awaiting Response | Follow up | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.12.2025 | Australia | Netherlands | Q61386 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes - Interested | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 1.9 | |
01.12.2025 | India | Germany | Q65138 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.4 | |
01.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q67151 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | Chile | Q68756 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeWestSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q69025 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
08.12.2025 | India | Poland | Q65350 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
09.12.2025 | South Africa | Argentina | Q66529 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
10.12.2025 | Belgium | Argentina | Q65984 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2025 | United Kingdom | United States | Q64774 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
13.12.2025 | Germany | Namibia | Q64939 | 4x4 | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
15.12.2025 | United States | Germany | Q66746 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.8 | |
15.12.2025 | Belgium | New Zealand | Q67254 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Mexico | Uruguay | Q67555 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
18.12.2025 | Panama | Uruguay | Q67557 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | CentralAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
20.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q65747 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
23.12.2025 | Panama | Colombia | Q44862 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 1.5 | |
27.12.2025 | Colombia | Canada | Q65915 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
27.12.2025 | Chile | Canada | Q65917 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | WestSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
28.12.2025 | Germany | United States | Q52073 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
01.01.2026 | Germany | United States | Q61668 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
02.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q65988 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 4.7 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
05.01.2026 | Belgium | Uruguay | Q68622 | 4x4 | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.01.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q63111 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
10.01.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q69011 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
15.01.2026 | Germany | Colombia | Q68727 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
25.01.2026 | United States | Uruguay | Q53760 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.4 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q52913 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.02.2026 | India | Other | Q68638 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 1.9 | |
05.02.2026 | Australia | United States | Q53607 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
05.02.2026 | South Africa | Germany | Q67718 | Motorcycle | 9.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 1.5 | |
11.02.2026 | Panama | France | Q63048 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | CentralAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
17.02.2026 | United States | United Kingdom | Q54484 | Trailer | 1.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.0 | |
19.02.2026 | New Zealand | Australia | Q66694 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaOceania | 1.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q65278 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.4 | |
01.03.2026 | Netherlands | Canada | Q65639 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.03.2026 | Australia | United Kingdom | Q68344 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | OceaniaNorthEurope | 2.3 | |
02.03.2026 | Belgium | United States | Q66762 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
20.03.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61967 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes - Requested Share | To Book - Awaiting Schedules | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
01.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68188 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
01.04.2026 | Argentina | United States | Q68228 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
01.04.2026 | Colombia | Mexico | Q68710 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.8 | Yes - Awaiting Response | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthAmerica | 1.5 | |
05.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q66992 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 3.9 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 2.4 | |
06.04.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q61301 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.5 | |
09.04.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q66105 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.7 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
20.04.2026 | Panama | Colombia | Q67274 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | To Book - Interested | CentralAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.5 | |
20.04.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q68655 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.3 | |
26.04.2026 | Colombia | Panama | Q65567 | Motorcycle | 8.8 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaCentralAmerica | 0.7 | |
30.04.2026 | United States | Germany | Q65377 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 7.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaNorthEurope | 1.7 | |
30.04.2026 | Uruguay | Portugal | Q68792 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.6 | |
01.05.2026 | Netherlands | United States | Q64730 | 4x4 | 6.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.1 | |
01.05.2026 | South Africa | Belgium | Q67820 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
05.05.2026 | Belgium | Canada | Q69311 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.9 | |
11.05.2026 | Germany | South Africa | Q65545 | 4x4 | 6.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
12.05.2026 | Germany | Australia | Q48202 | 4x4 | 6.3 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 2.5 | |
02.06.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q63190 | 4x4 | 5.6 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.4 | |
11.06.2026 | South Africa | Netherlands | Q66881 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
01.07.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q58826 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.9 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.4 | |
04.07.2026 | United States | Colombia | Q50341 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthAmericaCOSouthAmerica | 2.0 | |
08.07.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q66724 | 4x4 | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 1.7 | |
09.07.2026 | Netherlands | South Africa | Q69128 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.3 | |
12.07.2026 | Germany | United States | Q64500 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.6 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Australia | Q64722 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.2 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeOceania | 1.9 | |
01.09.2026 | United Kingdom | Canada | Q67539 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.9 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 1.4 | |
04.09.2026 | Belgium | South Africa | Q58593 | 4x4 | 5.8 | Yes | Follow up | NorthEuropeSouthernAfrica | 2.2 | |
23.09.2026 | Argentina | Germany | Q62797 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.1 | Yes | In progress | SouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.5 | |
01.10.2026 | France | Colombia | Q45957 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.5 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeCOSouthAmerica | 2.6 | |
03.10.2026 | Germany | Canada | Q42729 | 4x4 | 4.8 | Yes | In progress | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
10.11.2026 | Kenya | Oman | Q66878 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
11.11.2026 | United Kingdom | Other | Q64913 | Other | 7.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
12.11.2026 | Kenya | United Arab Emirates | Q66932 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaMiddleEast | 2.1 | |
13.11.2026 | Kenya | Belgium | Q66880 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 6.1 | Yes | In progress | EastAfricaNorthEurope | 2.1 | |
15.11.2026 | Colombia | Belgium | Q52777 | 4x4 | 6.0 | Yes | In progress | COSouthAmericaNorthEurope | 2.2 | |
17.11.2026 | South Africa | United States | Q66530 | Motorcycle | 9.3 | Yes | In progress | SouthernAfricaNorthAmerica | 2.0 | |
13.12.2026 | Canada | Australia | Q64776 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthAmericaOceania | 2.5 | |
01.07.2027 | Germany | United States | Q60682 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.6 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.4 | |
01.08.2027 | Belgium | Other | Q61470 | Normal Car (Sedan) | 6.6 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 1.7 | |
30.09.2027 | India | Other | Q67202 | Campervan / Motorhome / RV | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Requested | IndiaOther | 2.6 | |
01.01.2028 | United Kingdom | United States | Q56024 | 4x4 Camper (converted or slide on) | 5.3 | Yes | Quote Provided | NorthEuropeNorthAmerica | 2.6 | |
16.03.2028 | Germany | Other | Q66861 | 4x4 | 6.4 | Yes | Quote Requested | NorthEuropeOther | 2.0 | |
Shipping Date | Country From | Country to | Quote ID | Vehicle Type | Space | Container share | Deal Stage | Route code | Container share with | Vehicle Height (meters) |
Sendung hinzufügen
Unser Angebot an Dienstleistungen
Wir bieten einen umfassenden, stressfreien Service, der auch die Zollabfertigung und Agenten vor Ort in Panama und Kolumbien umfasst.
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer stress- und problemlosen Verschiffung von Panama nach Kolumbien sind, sind wir die erste Adresse für die Überquerung des Darien Gap.
Unsere Preise auf dieser Strecke sind sehr wettbewerbsfähig und wahrscheinlich die günstigsten, die Sie finden können.
Andere Optionen
Sie können auch von und nach Cartagena (Kolumbien) über Veracruz (Mexiko) und Galveston Tx, Brunswick, Port Everglades und andere Ostküstenhäfen in den USA versenden.
Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Seiten:
RORO-Fahrpläne Panama – Kolumbien
C1 | 22.05.2025 | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | |||||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
C1 | 17.03.2025 | 21.03.2025 | 02.04.2025 | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 19.03.2025 | 20.03.2025 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||
C1 | 18.03.2025 | 04.04.2025 | 09.04.2025 | 09.04.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||
C1 | 16.04.2025 | 22.04.2025 | 23.04.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 16.05.2025 | 21.05.2025 | 22.05.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 12.04.2025 | 17.04.2025 | 07.05.2025 | 22.05.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
RORO-Fahrpläne von Panama nach Ecuador, Peru und Chile
C1 | 22.05.2025 | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | |||||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
C1 | 17.03.2025 | 21.03.2025 | 02.04.2025 | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 19.03.2025 | 20.03.2025 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||||
C1 | 18.03.2025 | 04.04.2025 | 09.04.2025 | 09.04.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||||||||
C1 | 16.04.2025 | 22.04.2025 | 23.04.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 16.05.2025 | 21.05.2025 | 22.05.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||||||
C1 | 12.04.2025 | 17.04.2025 | 07.05.2025 | 22.05.2025 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
C1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||
RORO Versandtarife Manzanillo Panama nach Cartagena / Santa Marta Kolumbien
Bitte fordern Sie die aktuellen RORO-Preise an, indem Sie hier eine Angebotsanfrage ausfüllen:
Sofortiges Versandangebot
***Preisbeispiele – Änderungen vorbehalten***
Größe Fahrzeug | Rate | Bl | THC Pan | THC Col |
Limousine & Motorräder | $750 | $50 | $150 | $140 |
4×4 oder Kleintransporter – Bis 20cbm | $1300 | $50 | $150 | $140 |
Großer Van oder Wohnmobil bis 30cbm | $2500 | $50 | $150 | $140 |
Großes Fahrzeug 40 + (dann $ cbm) | Poa | $50 | $150 | $140 |
* mindestfracht/BL-Gebühr von $500
* Reisemobile mit Gas IMO CERT $150
*Preise beinhalten keine Hafengebühren, BAF, LSL oder Buchungs- und Doc-Gebühren oder einen Agenten für die Zollabfertigung, Änderungen vorbehalten
Die Kosten variieren je nach Strecke und Fahrzeug. * Einheiten, die irgendeine Art von Gas an Bord haben, können mit USD 150,00 für ein IMO-Zertifikat belastet werden-einige Beförderungsunternehmen werden überhaupt kein Gas zulassen. Alle RoRo-Spediteure erklären, dass Sie keine Verantwortung für Verluste oder Schäden an persönlichen Effekten oder Ersatzteilen übernehmen.
Lesen Sie mehr über unseren Roll on Roll off Service (RORO) oder fordern Sie ein Angebot für den Transport an.
Motorräder müssen auf dieser Strecke nicht in einer Kiste transportiert werden, allerdings wird eine Mindestgebühr für ein BL erhoben, was bedeutet, dass Sie für ein einzelnes Motorrad mit fast 1000 $ inkl. Hafengebühren usw. rechnen müssen.
Versand mit mehr als einem Fahrzeug – Vorübergehende Einfuhr (z. B. Expedition Truck und Motorrad)
Bitte beachten Sie, dass der mexikanische Zoll nur eine vorübergehende Einfuhrgenehmigung pro Person erteilt. Wenn Sie also mehr als ein motorisiertes Fahrzeug besitzen, muss das zweite Fahrzeug unter dem Namen einer zweiten Person eingeführt werden. Es ist von Vorteil, darauf zu achten, dass die Papiere für das zweite Fahrzeug mit dem Namen der Person übereinstimmen, die es einführen möchte. Wenn Sie ein verheiratetes Paar oder eine Partnerschaft sind, ist es auch von Vorteil, wenn der Name einer Person auf mindestens einem der Fahrzeugpapiere steht, um in Amerika zu reisen. Wenn in Ihren Dokumenten der Name der zweiten Person nicht aufgeführt ist, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie eine notariell beglaubigte Vollmacht in spanischer Sprache haben, die der zweiten Person die Einfuhr und Nutzung des Fahrzeugs gestattet.
Bitte sprechen Sie im Voraus mit uns, wenn Sie mehr als ein Fahrzeug einführen, denn alle geladenen Motorräder/Fahrzeuge müssen im Voraus angemeldet werden.
Andere Ressourcen
Wenn Sie eine unabhängige Reise durch Südamerika planen, ist diese Facebook-Gruppe eine wertvolle Quelle für Informationen, Straßenbedingungen, Grenzübergänge und vieles mehr.
Erhalten Sie ein unverbindliches Angebot heute
Autotransport und internationaler Fahrzeugtransport
Container Fahrzeugversand
Suchen Sie nach zuverlässigen Container-Autotransportdiensten von Hafen zu Hafen? Unser Unternehmen bietet sowohl Full Container Load (FCL) als auch Shared-Container-Optionen für den Transport von Autos, 4x4s und Motorrädern an. Holen Sie sich noch heute ein unverbindliches Angebot für Ihren Containertransport ein!
Roll on Roll off (RoRo)
Roll on Roll off (RORO / Ro Ro) Fahrzeugtransportdienste bieten in der Regel kostengünstigere Transportoptionen als der Containertransport. Erhalten Sie ein sofortiges Angebot für RORO-Verschiffungstarife für Autos, 4x4's, Wohnmobile & LKWs und finden Sie RORO-Verschiffungshäfen in Ihrer Nähe. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für erschwingliche und zuverlässige RORO-Verschiffungsdienste.
Fahrzeug Verzollung
Wir bieten zuverlässige Zollabfertigungsdienste für Autos und Fahrzeuge im Vereinigten Königreich an und arbeiten mit renommierten Agenten in anderen Regionen zusammen, um eine problemlose Abfertigung Ihres Fahrzeugs zu gewährleisten. Unser Fachwissen deckt eine Reihe von Zollanforderungen ab, einschließlich der vorübergehenden Einfuhr zu touristischen Zwecken, der dauerhaften Einfuhr und der Abfertigung von historischen, klassischen und Sammlerfahrzeugen.
Warum Autos mit uns verschiffen?
Wettbewerbsfähige Preise
Wir bieten faire und angemessene Preise für unsere Dienstleistungen und verhandeln Preise mit unseren Partnern, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Preis zu bieten.
Wenn Sie bereits ein Angebot haben, werden wir unser Bestes tun, um ein gültiges Angebot abzugleichen oder zu schlagen.
Unübertroffene Expertise
Wir verfügen über das wissen, die Informationen und die Kontakte, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Fahrzeug sicher ans Ziel gelangt. Wir beraten Sie bei permanenten und temporären Import-Anforderungen, Carnet-Anforderungen, lokalen Gesetzen und Gepflogenheiten, Versicherungsanbietern und lokalen Agenten & Partnern.
Persönlicher Service
Wir spezialisieren uns auf den Transport von Fahrzeugen, ob für Touren Zwecke, Expeditionen oder für Unternehmen.
Jede Sendung wird gleichermaßen unabhängig von der Größe behandelt.
Vertrauenswürdige Agents
Wir verwenden nur bekannte/vertrauenswürdige Agenten, um Ihr Fahrzeug zu löschen. Dies hilft, unerwartete Kosten und Komplikationen zu vermeiden.
Wir glauben, dass Kommunikation von größter Wichtigkeit ist. Während des Versandprozesses werden wir Sie auf jedem Schritt auf dem laufenden halten.
Wir verstehen Ihre Bedürfnisse
Wir haben unser eigenes Fahrzeug an vielen Orten auf der ganzen Welt ausgeliefert und verstehen Ihre Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen als Kunde.
Wo wir versenden
Kontakt/Follow US
Wir arbeiten im Vereinigten Königreich von Montag bis Freitag von 9 bis 17 Uhr (Zeitzone Vereinigtes Königreich) An Feiertagen und Wochenenden geschlossen
UK : +44 (0) 203 787 4201
US : +1 917-781-4536
E : [email protected]
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